Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Ranko Chapter - Exorcist - Finale

This is the last episode, and it's certainly something else. It's a completely linear story, without any choices, and the shortest of the chapters. But the amount of information revealed by it is massive. There will be a lot of FOAF entries, on very short notice as well. By the way, I advise re-reading this entry first: Nine-character Charm. But, let's begin, shall we?

"Incense of stone and
  Reddened summertime grass
   Warmed tears of dew"
-Bashou Matsuo


Saturday (Butsumetsu) 5:08 P.M.
Oninakidera Temple [from Episode 2]

Qi don't play along well during Butsumetsu. The fact it's being influenced by Rokuyou shows that my ascetic discipline's still lackin'.
Seriously, bein' called to this place, on this day? What's that old man gonna do if the master finds out?

"...Did I not tell you to stop calling me 'old man'?" Oops. Looks like it came out of my mouth before I knew it.
Nevertheless, he's still the same observant and vigilant old man as always. I don't think I can easily close the gap between us...
"So, what's the business? I'm a busy woman, so I'd prefer if y'didn't call me so readily."
"Were you gambling again?"
"That's right. Today's when the new slot machine model was gonna arrive... Not! I've got a job!"
This old man's really hard to deal with. We're acquaintances from way back, and he can completely see through my actions.
"Please gamble in moderation. Neither you nor me are lucky by any means."
"...Hmph. Gamblin' is a microcosm of the human experience. I do it for the sake of my trainin'. Back off, would ya?"
"In that case, let's quickly get down to business." Look, here it comes. What kind of work did he bring this time? Anyhow, I'm sure he's just looking for toys for those idiots again, or cleaning up their messes.

"Have you heard of the study named 'Project Metamorphosis'? It's a project launched in the last few years by the organization..."
"What a grand brandin'. What did they study?"
"An object believed to be the 'Killing Stone' was found on the grounds of the Private Hanamine High School in Tokyo..." [from Episode 1]
"The Killing Stone!?" Oh no, no, no. For me of all people to get shaken up. Unrest of heart is unrest of qi. Calm down, calm down...
"The organization apparently wants to analyze the negative energy, that is to say, the hatred and curses concealed in the Killing Stone for utilization in the war industry."
"As usual, they're a bunch with no sensible thoughts. Imagine if they used that passion for bringin' about world peace."
"It's useless to expect anything good from them. We've both learned that the hard way, haven't we?"
"...Hmph. Don't remind me of that. It pisses me off."
I've got to expel my yin-filled ill will together with spit. Ptoo. Oh, darn it. Now that I think 'bout it, this is a temple. ...Oh well. My saliva's a special make, y'know.
"They seem to believe that curses are on the same level as viruses. It's a unique approach, but it's nothing more than a strained interpretation made for those who don't understand the meaning of a curse..."
"In any event, the organization wishes to retrieve the Killing Stone. And that's where you come in."
"Even if it's called the Killing Stone, ain't it just some insignificant fragment? If it's just to collect such a thing, can't y'ask somebody else to do it?"
"That wouldn't go well. Two days ago, a female student of the Hanamine High School in question committed suicide. ...The fault likely lies on the Killing Stone."
"It would be too dangerous to hand it over to the organization as it is. It is your job to seal the curse without them noticing, Inspector Ranko Indou."

Evil Exterminator
Ranko Indou

[That's this chapter's actual name.]


The following week---

Friday (Butsumetsu) 10:25 A.M.
Private Hanamine High School

"There's already been a second victim, huh... Dark clouds are gatherin' above, eh?" Resentment, jealousy, desire, and hate. The negative emotions of humans pervaded the air.
Accordin' to the old man's information, the late student's name was Kaori Itou. The first victim, Narumi Hasebe, was a friend of hers, it seems.
The guys from the jurisdiction thought at first it was just a suicide, but the second victim looks to have sent 'em in a panic.
I'm glad the guys in the First Investigative Division are getting off their lazy butts, but please don't get in the way of my work.
Although we're both under the umbrella of police work, their and my job description are too different.
Since it's unlikely for 'em to comprehend what I'm doin' even if I explain it to 'em, I've got to sneak in... What a pain, seriously.
"Well then... If I'm gonna do this, it's gotta be bit by bit. To the schoolhouse, where hatred surges."

This is the crime scene, and it's... pretty shockin'. When I investigated it the other day, I felt numerous wicked thoughts, so I set up a fox-sealin' talisman, but in spite of that...
It seems the enemy had obtained a superior catalyst. I see, ordinary methods won't be enough. Goodness me.

"...This is a suicide." Oh? That guy over there's the First Investigative Division's Chief Sasaki, ain't it? It must be big trouble for the commander to be on the field. Or did he come out 'cause it seemed like an easy case?
Well, anyway, I should take a listen to the investigation's current situation without them realizin' it.
I erased my presence and hid in a blind spot, with these measures, it should be basically impossible for those guys to notice me.
"...By all accounts, it's just a suicide, isn't it? Why were we, the First Investigative Division, dispatched to the case? What was that jurisdiction lot thinking?"
"Last week's dead student was also a suicide? I heard that Professor Matsuura, the medical coroner, ruled it as a suicide. This must be a suicide, too."
What an idiot that gramps is. Or maybe he considers thinking too troublesome? How can such a man be the First Division's Chief?
"Kazami! This is Detective Kogure of the Inui Police Department. He'll tell you information on the first suicide. Also, from now on, you'll work with Detective Kogure on the investigation."

...He~h. Those guys are the candidates the old man picked out, huh?
That Kazami fella seems somewhat unreliable. Must be one of those career group newbies.
That huge fella's the jurisdiction's detective, eh? ...Hm? He seems to be aware of the wicked qi that envelops this library.
What keen inspiration. He doesn't seem to realize he has it, but if he polishes it up, it might shine. But that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be happy.
For the time being, I'll wait and see a while longer. If they don't prove themselves useful, I'll immediately take them off the list.
The last candidates were pitiful things. I'd rather not go through that all over again. It's all over for humans once they die...


Sunday (Shakkou) 2:42 P.M.
Kamone University Hospital

"That girl... What's she planning?"
Through my investigation over these past few days, I've learned that Yuka Kamiyama, a student of that school, has been possessed by the curse. The question is, how do I deal with her?
By no means am I goin' to dispose of her. That girlie's just a catalyst. I must sever the root of the curse.
What's crucial is the source of that curse. I've been followin' Kamiyama around to learn that, but...
Surprisingly, this girlie seems to want to enter into contact with those two. Maybe she still hasn't fallen under complete control of the curse.
Even while wrapped in savage spiritual power and wicked desires, her human reason remains, continuin' to struggle... How pitiful.
But, this is a rare opportunity. Whatever happens, whether I save or bury this girlie, I should test the extent of the spiritual power she holds. Besides, I also want to see the skill of those boys.

"Oh, lucky. Found an empty car here." And the driver's window is open just the tiniest little bit, must be due to my daily good deeds.
Shall I use it for my testing? The owner's probably gonna be devastated, but they'll manage somehow with the insurance.
In the first place, the thing we call luck is based on the balance between fortune and misfortune. For every gain I make, there is someone who loses. It's the way of the human world.
Forgive me. If you're gonna hate someone, then blame God... alright?

Well, this is a job for the King of Beasts. The detailed form's a bother, so I'll economize. If the fox possession is exorcized as a result, that'd be good.
"Like the King of Beasts, Like the King of Beasts, Like the King of Beasts..."
[This is a chant specific for this purification method, check the FOAF entry for more info.]

"This should be fine. Hope this works."
The talisman, infused with intention, started the unmanned car. It's runnin' without gasoline, so it's eco-friendly.
All right, keep going! Rush down Kamiyama!
[Bright light, crash]

...Test complete. It went better than I expected. I'm glad I took this chance.
That big guy called Kogure pushed Kamiyama away and skillfully avoided it. That was quite a reaction.
It wasn't due to visual reflexes. It seems he reacted to the thoughts I put into the talisman. Just like I estimated, he's got good spirit sense.
...However. I didn't fail to catch that. That Kamiyama girlie... The split-second before collidin' with the car, a tail emerged.
"...This thing may be a bit strong."


Monday (Senbu) 7:13 A.M.
Private Hanamine High School

"Supposing you were to fall under the curse of a wraith, fox spirit, pestilence god, malediction, vengeful spirit, demon, evil god, or even of a pestilence dragon traveler god, to promptly become a Buddhist monk for porpuses of dispersing and extinguishing it..."

"...You must divert the nature of those wicked thoughts into one of peace. This sutra is the most enlightening, all-banishing great light, it is the all-severing great sword..."

"...May it grant me protection, cut apart my many fiendish foes, the destroyers of life, and their deadly armies, and may the Lotus Sutra's power dispel all enmity."

[I've retouched the scripture's translation to be more accurate.]

This does the job just fine. Now that I've done all this, the Killing Stone's grudge should be contained for the time being. Unless something really bad happens, that is...
That day...

All the monsters and spirits that exist in this world will be destroyed by my hands down to the last one... That's what I vowed that day.
"Are you watchin' me...?"


The following day... [Thunder]

Tuesday (Butsumetsu) 7:21 A.M.
Private Hanamine High School

A horrible miscalculation. Impossibly, that scripture was destroyed... Was it a coincidental lightnin' strike? I wonder.
This thing. It was this thing's doing. I thought it was a piece of the Killing Stone that had just a little bit of evil left in it, but I was way off the mark...
...No. Maybe in the beginning there was only as much power as in the other fragments.
That was until it fed off the jet-black emotions that were all jumbled together in this school, slowly growin' fat.
Yuka Kamiyama... The darkness that nested in that girlie's heart ended up nurturin' it...!
...The wind stopped. The whispers of life and the breath of the great qi have been closed off, a complete state of nonexistence.
"---A ward?"

<Who are you...?>
It was a woman's voice. The refined voice of a ruler who was born into pride and arrogance. The tail has finally revealed itself.

<Who are you? Answer me, lowly woman...>

"Before you ask someone's name, y'should first say your own. Have y'been hidin' in a school for so long and not even studied?"

<...Damned, impudent woman. Who do you believe I am?>
"Who... Tamamo-no-Mae, I'd guess? Or would y'prefer I answer with King Zhou of the Shang dynasty's queen, Daji?"
"However, y'were also King Hansoku's consort "Kayo" in the ancient Indian Kingdom of Magadha and, in China, y'were King You of the Zhou dynasty's favorite concubine, "Bao Si", but those aren't as popular..."
<H-how did you...!?>
"The onmyouji Abe-no-Yasuchika saw through your disguise, and after y'were shot down in Nasuno, Shimotsuke-no-Kuni, your lingerin' spirit transformed into the Killing Stone..."
"You're the protagonist of the tragic play that had you smashed into pitiful little pebbles by the Buddhist priest Gennou with a hammer. Tamamo-no-Mae, otherwise known as the Golden-furred Nine-tailed Fox!"
<You, despite knowing that much...! You do not fear me!?>
"The fragments of the Killing Stone broken by Priest Gennou flew even outside of Nasuno, scatterin' all over the country. This Fox Mound is one of them."
"Maybe if y'had returned to full power, but a petty remnant is not worth fearin'. Even with the scripture destroyed, y'don't have an edge over me."
<You bastard, you shall run your mouth no more! Damned humannn!>
"Bring it on! I'll destroy you! Naumaku sarabatataagyateibiyaku sarababokkeibiyaku sarabata tarata senda makaroshada...!" [This is likely a transliteration of a Sanskrit sutra, so finding its source was too hard. Also, I committed a pretty dumb mistake on my Episode 2 translation. The fox spirit was never named Yasuchika, but was cursing him instead.]
[Brief flash, fade to black]


Tuesday (Butsumetsu) 3:18 P.M.
Private Hanamine High School

I'm impressed. It may be a remnant, but it ain't to be trifled with. I guess my age is showin'.
...Even so, why am I the one laborin' to clean that lot's mess? Seriously, how preposterous...
<This me is the same as you humans...!>
It's almost over. Just two moves to checkmate. Once I'm done, I'll eat a meal, go to a sauna, get a massage, and sleep like a log.
<Yoouuu...!! Could it be, you are a descendant of Yasuchika...!?>
"I ain't a venerable person of that type. Just a former housewife..."
"Exorcist Ranko Indou! Remember this as you go to the afterlife!"
<W-wait! Can you not see them!?>
[Kogure, Kirisaki, and the principal show up]
<What will you do...? If you finish me off, then very well. But I shall let them share in the agony of my final moments, understand?>
<Is that acceptable to you...?>
...Honestly, what a bunch with horrible timing. Shamelessly coming out over here at this time.
Not to sound like that old man, but I guess I ain't lucky after all. It's rare to find a life in which the balance of fortune and misfortune is so unilaterally bad.
Well, in my case, it's probably because God abandoned me a long time ago...
<Ku ku ku... How naive you humans are...>
[Red flash]
Seriously... Butsumetsu's never a good day...


Wednesday (Taian) 6:02 A.M.
Oninakidera Temple

Damned bastard... I can't help but cry tears of shame at the thought of havin' to expose myself to such disgrace.
But I guess it's a small mercy that I only broke three ribs. My luck is always like this.

"You're already awake, eh? Even though you shouldn't be ready to move yet..."
"Youngsters recover quickly. The medicine you gave me worked wonders as well."
Thanks to a secret medicine called "Centipede-prayer" that was so bitter that it numbed my tongue, the pain was easier to deal with, as if it was a lie.
"Taking that medicine won't fix your bones. It only tricks you into feeling no pain. Don't do anything irresponsible."
"I ain't gonna do anything like that. Injuries like these are commonplace to me." What I said was true. If I was confined to bed every time I broke a rib, I wouldn't succeed as an exorcist.
"At that time, I made the mistake of sympathizing with your situation. No matter how much you avenge yourself, it will only bring about new hatred, won't it?"
Another sermon, huh? I dislike the elderly due to their tendency to preach. I'll quickly take my leave.

"Well then, I'll be excusing myself. ...Ah, I'll also be borrowing that five-pronged vajra that's lying around in the storehouse."
"O-oy! That was used by the chief priest three generations ago to exterminate a monster cat---" Oops. Time to use one of the 36 strategies, fleein' is winnin'.
"Thank you, master. I'll return it before long, don't worry."
...That is if I survive.


Wednesday (Taian) 3:31 P.M.
Private Hanamine High School

Now then... Be it life or death, let's begin this big gamble.

"Tamamo-cha~n. Are you i~n?"
[Background goes gray]
"Oh. It works every time." ...It seems the malice in the air grew somewhat since yesterday. I'm at a serious disadvantage because I'm on the mend.

<I thought you had turned tail and ran, but here you are again...>
"That was a strategic retreat. So I can destroy you." Talk is cheap. For now, I'll say as I please.
<Dull-witted woman... Do you wish for death so...?>
"Not in the least. This is my trump card." Bluffin's one of my many tactics. But this trump card bluff was too sad.
Even as we speak, Tamamo's qi seems to be amplifyin'. Kamiyama's mind, the catalyst, is being swept away by negative emotions... I must hurry.
"Come! I'm ready!"
<Your blood... I will drink until naught a drop remains...!>
[Quick white flash]

"That young'un now is rushing to her death for some reason..."
"Elder, can she win...?"
"You would ask that of a humble servant of Buddha? You're quite the cruel man."
"We have been stripped of alternatives by God. This is the only way to live anymore..."
"Revenge, hm... to have it as your reason to live is too depressing..."


<Your blood, what a delicacy... It holds ample hatred...>
"Well, thanks a lot. But dinin' and dashin' is no good. And I'll make sure you pay." Agh, I'm drained...  Of course, doing this is tough on my body.
<You can still talk... Shall you continue speaking as such once you learn the true nature of that which you are trying to protect...?>
[White flash]

"W-what are you talking about? I don't know! I didn't do anything like that!"
"How could you know anything when you only just transferred here!?"

"Fufu. Your pretty face is wrinkling, Ms. Kamiyama. I bet you must be very upset to have the truth revealed in front of the person you love."
"You really love Nozawa-kun, don't you? But it's meaningless. His heart already belongs to Misa Sakita."
"What did you say!? You're the one who told me I could get my wish granted if I asked Mr. Kokkuri!"
"Ahahaha. You must love him greatly, after all, there's no way you would have fallen for such a ridiculous lie otherwise..."
"A lie...? A lie, you say...!? Then, what was playing Mr. Kokkuri all for...? What did Kaori and the others die for!?"
"Oh? Isn't that all your fault?"

[Thunder, it begins to rain]

"That too seems to have reached its finale at last..."
<What shall you do...? That is the truth of the one you seek to protect... Hundreds of years have passed, but the essence of humanity hasn't changed...>
<Human desire is my nourishment... Human hatred is my pleasure... Human fear satisfies me...>
<Humanity's foolish emotions nurture me... Ku ku ku...>
She seems to be elated with success, I don't like it. ...Be that as it may, I've no way forward now. What do I do in this situation?
<Now, it is about time we drew closed the curtains... This time, if you flee, those lives will be taken in exchange... Do you understand?>
...There's nothin' more that can be done, huh?
<Gyiiiyaaaah... guuuhhhrrg...!!>
"W-what the!? What's happenin'!?" That Tamamo thing suddenly screamed in agony. What in all that's holy and good is happenin'?

That's the cause...! Outside the boundary, I could see Kamiyama was pierced. The harmed qi of the catalyst is greatly disturbed...

My big chance arrived!

"...Hearken, and begone! Quote the poem: you who defiles the dharma! But a shadow of your original self, once an incomprehensible calamity, now amiss. Thus, I shall take the due measures! Pass on to the next life!!"

<...D-do not consider this to be my end...! As long as humans have desires, I shall... I shall...!>
[Slow white flash, Tamamo disappears]

"Mr. Kogure, call an ambulance!!"
Good grief. Looks like they managed to get things done over there, too... Those two didn't do too bad a job, eh?
[Telephone rings]
"...Old man? About the matter, I've resolved it... Yeah, I'm fine. I've made sure the Killing Stone was made useless. Y'don't have to worry 'bout handin' it over to the organization."
"Well, take care of the rest, will ya..."
Agh, I'm exhausted. As always, it's hard work behind the scenes. No matter how many lives you have, it's never enough.
Well, when those two get assigned to my team, I'll have them work hard to make up for my part.

Some days after that---

"I am Lieutenant Junya Kazami, assigned to the Police History Archival Office as of today! I look forward to working with you!"

"Similarly, I'm Sergeant Souichirou Kogure, ma'am!"
They've come, eh? Kazami and Kogure... Those two've got good expressions.
"I didn't think it was possible, no way would someone actually show up. What was that old man thinkin' bringin' in two kids like that just 'cause we're short on staff?"
...We~ll, I may say that with my mouth, but inwardly I've high hopes for the future. This dreary basement will be a little more lively. Things're gettin' interestin'.
But, hm, the truths those two will come across from here on... Oh well. They'll have to persist as best they can.

In the 11th century B.C., the Shang dynasty was led by King Zhou's wife, Daji, who indulged in the feasts of debauchery and the pleasures of cruelty.

However, before long, Taigong Wang exposed her true identity and judged her.

700 years after Daji's death, in the ancient Indian Kingdom of Magadha, it became King Hansoku's consort, Kayo, devoting itself to the limits of atrocity.

However, this attempt too was driven out of the country by Giba, a famous doctor in the service of King Ajase.

China becomes the stage once again. It tempted and played with the armies of various countries as King You of the Zhou dynasty's favorite concubine, Bao Si.
[Different Zhou (周) from King Zhou (紂).]

Bao Si was slain by an enemy army together with King You, but their son, Bofu, escaped elsewhere.
Tenpyou 5 (734 A.D.), a beautiful girl under the name of "Wakamo", claiming to be the daughter of Sima Yuanxian, appeared in the returning vessel of Tajihi-no-Hironari, an envoy to Tang China.
After reaching the capital, she became a courtesan and took the name "Tamamo-no-Mae".

Gen'ei 3 (1120 A.D.), its true identity was discovered by the onmyouji, Abe-no-Yasuchika, the fifth generation descendant of Abe-no-Seimei, but it safely escaped to Nasuno, Shimotsuke-no-Kuni.

Houen 3 (1138 A.D.), under the supervision of the feudal lord Nasu Hachirou Muneshige, Kazusa-no-suke Hirotsune, Miura-no-suke Yoshizumi, and Abe-no-Yasuchika massed their troops and brought down the fox spirit, fulfilling their great ambition.

The fox spirit's wicked mind refused to die in obscurity, transforming into a stone that harmed the living from the sheer malice that came forth. This was called the "Killing Stone".

Shitoku 2 (1386 A.D.), the Killing Stone was shattered by the Buddhist priest Gennou, and it seemed that the fox's grudge had finally been exorcized...

"The fragments of the Killing Stone scattered all over the country. This isn't the end..."
"Just like in this case, it's quite possible that human emotions could change an otherwise average shard of the Killing Stone. I've only exorcised one of the countless fragments..."
"But, I ain't givin' up... Until all the monsters and spirits that pervade this world are destroyed by my hands down to the last one...!"

[The nine characters come in like sword slashes]

[Cut to credits]

[Unlike the first credits, all images are black and white. They're all different as well.]

Comprehensive Evaluation: S Class
Evil Exterminator - Ranko Indou - End

This is the end, for this game and this blog, at least for now. Well, actually, there's one last thing that I need to show from this game: the 200th FOAF database entry, F.O.A.F.
It was unlocked once we got all 199 other entries, you should read it, as it answers quite a few of the remaining questions.

But, like I said, the blog's done. I'll still work on some other Hayarigami-related projects, but this blog won't be updated for quite a while at least. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

If you're interested in the series and can read Japanese, you can buy the series in its entirety on the PS Store and on the Nintendo Switch. If you can't read, however, I urge you to follow my Twitter, as I have other translation projects coming up. I'll probably post on this blog once I complete them, either way.

Anyway, I'll see you again someday!