Thursday, October 27, 2022

54 - Nine-character Charm


This is a secret mantra of self-defense in Onmyoudou and Esoteric Buddhism. While using the index and middle fingers as a sword and cutting the air with the two fingers, one must chant the nine characters of

臨 (Rin)

兵 (Pyou)

闘 (Tou)

者 (Sha)

皆 (Kai)

陣 (Jin)

列 (Retsu)

在 (Zai)

前 (Zen)

[My dictionary says their collective meaning is "may the presiders over warriors be my vanguard", please consider it to be the more accurate translation than the following one]

This charm has its roots in Taoism, and can be found in the fourth-century Chinese book "Houbokuji", which states, "Present soldiers, warriors, one and all, join the battle formation, standing before me".

The sword gesture used while reciting the nine characters is called the "sword mudra" [Mudra is the name given to symbolic Buddhist hand gestures], which is believed to slice through the air, driving out evil. In addition to cutting with the sword mudra, each of the nine characters has a corresponding mudra, and by forming each mudra subsequently with both hands, sacred vibrations are generated and evil is purged.

Although the nine-character charm is one of the basic techniques of Shingon esoteric Buddhism, the actual performance of the nine-character charm requires a well-trained mind and imagination, it is not something that can be easily performed by an amateur.

The ninja, who are said to have had their roots in Shingon esoteric Buddhism and Onmyouji, are said to have practiced this nine-character charm as well, but it's believed to have been mainly for the purpose of mental concentration.

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