Wednesday, August 2, 2023

159 - King Hansoku

[Also called Prince Hansoku depending on the story.]

An ancient Chinese legend claims him to have been a king of the Kingdom of Magadha, but whether he really existed is unclear.

According to the legend of Tamamo-no-Mae, which recounts anecdotes about the Nine-tailed Fox, he favored Consort Kayo, who was said to be an incarnation of the Nine-tailed Fox, and was said to have committed many violent acts at her behest.

In the Jātaka, an ancient Buddhist tale describing the Buddha's previous lives, he is said to have been born of a human father and a lion, and was called "Hansoku (Spotted Foot)" because of the spotted pattern on his feet. His character was also ferocious, and it is said that he liked to devour human children, eventually becoming a kind of evil demon called a Rakshasa.

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