Wednesday, August 2, 2023

185 - Metamorphosis


Originally a compound of the Greek words meta (change) and morphose (form), it refers to the physical change of an insect from a pupa to an adult, or the transfiguration of the body due to magical forces.

Thus, the Western werewolf, who transforms at the sight of a full moon, could be considered a type of metamorphosis.

In Japan, there existed the "Tsukumogami (付喪神)", the yokai of vessels.

Originally called "九十九髪 (Tsukumogami) [Lit. 99 hairs, this is still used to refer to the gray hair of an old woman]", this word was used to describe longevity, but it eventually came to represent beings with magical powers gained through their longevity, and it was thought that spirits would reside in long-lived people and vessels that had been used for a long time, transforming them into yokai.

It was also believed that not only vessels but also animals such as cats and foxes acquired magical powers as they aged, and that they could change into human form and bring about calamity.

Additionally, legends of people transformed into oni by grudges or passion, such as the "Legend of the Bridge Maiden of Uji (Uji no Hashi-hime)" or "Kurozuka", can also be said to be a type of metamorphosis.

[What a very specific mention, I wonder if this is a clue? *wink* *wink*]

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