Tuesday, August 1, 2023

43 - Giba


A famous doctor that lived in the same period as Shakyamuni in the ancient Indian Kingdom of Magadha. His Indian name was Jīvaka.

A devout follower of Buddhism, he is said to have advised King Ajase, who was distressed by the death of his father, to seek direction from the Buddha.

He also specialized in treating headaches and is said to have performed an incisional surgery in which he opened the patient's head and removed a parasite (presumably a tumor of some kind).

According to the legend of Tamamo-no-Mae, he is said to have been the one who, while treating the headache of the wife of the Kingdom of Magadha's King Hansoku, discovered that she was possessed by a fox.

[He is also considered a patron of traditional medicine in India and China.]

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