Tuesday, August 1, 2023

38 - Qi


It was thought that "qi" was the energy that originally filled the universe, the source of all things, and the root of all life.

In Oriental medicine, the qi that flows through the human body is classified into "innate qi", which one is born with, and "acquired qi", which is received later in life.

"Innate qi" is the life force we are born with, and "acquired qi" is the qi we obtain through breathing and food intake. The former is considered yang qi and the latter yin qi, and the human body is considered to be in a normal state when the balance between the two is maintained, and illness occurs when the balance is lost.

In other words, qi is vital energy itself, and by controlling it, it was thought to be possible to stimulate biological activity itself.

It is believed that qi can be controlled through training including posture, breathing, emotional control, etc. Yoga and tai chi are examples of such qi training.

Taoists believe that qi is the key to longevity and immortality, and Chinese martial arts believe that by manipulating qi, one can achieve incredible physical feats.

The esoteric Buddhist technique called dharani, which is said to enable one to acquire magical powers through mental concentration, is also considered to be a kind of qi training method.

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