Thursday, June 22, 2023

71 - Bone-breaking Part-time Job

【骨折のバイト、kossetsu no baito】
["Kossetsu" refers to a bone fracture, "no" is a possessive particle like 's, and "baito" is a shortened version of the German word "arbeit", meaning "work/toil", but it specifically means a part-time job in Japanese.]

There is a rumor that one of the most profitable part-time jobs is the "bone-breaking job".

In other words, a person offers himself/herself as an experimental subject for the treatment of broken bones. The price varies depending on the bone to be broken, but it can be as little as 20,000 to as much as 300,000 yen, and of course, there is no charge for the treatment.

However, in reality, there naturally is no such part-time job. In the first place, patients with bone fractures are not so rare that it is necessary to recruit part-timers.

However, some hospitals in Japan are experimenting with medicines on volunteers.

The experiments are, of course, to verify the results of drugs that are known to have almost no adverse effects on the human body, and the hospitals take every precaution to ensure that the experiments are conducted properly, with guarantees and treatment in the event of an emergency.

The volunteers are confined to the facility for a certain period of time in order to collect data, but they enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and are paid well for their part-time work.

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