Thursday, June 22, 2023

66 - Perfume Story

【香水の話、kousui no hanashi】

Around 1999, an e-mail went around as a chain mail, advising people to beware of a malicious scheme in which a robber approaches a victim in the parking lot of a shopping center, offering a sample of perfume, only for them to spray an anesthetic on the victim's face and strip them of their possessions while they were unconscious.

At the end of the letter, the sender politely added the kind words, "Please circulate this email to as many people as possible to prevent such robberies from occurring".

But, of course, there have been no such robberies. To begin with, there is no such thing as a volatile anesthetic that can instantly knock someone out.

Rumors of such crimes continue to circulate in shopping centers and other places where many strangers pass by.

In the past, there were rumors of traffickers who would kidnap customers while they were trying on clothes through a hole in the floor of a fitting room in an overseas boutique.

One could say that this perfume chain mail is a variation of such rumors as well.

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