Thursday, June 22, 2023

55 - A Spider Had...

【蜘蛛が・・・、kumo ga...】
[There is no verb in the title proper, but thankfully those same characters appear in the stories themselves.]

A woman dozed off while sunbathing. She felt her face itch in her half-asleep and half-awake state, but she was so comfortable that she fell asleep.

A few days later--- She noticed a pimple on her face.

As the days went by, the pimple grew bigger and bigger.

One day, the woman accidentally crushed the pimple, and countless spiders crawled out of it.

A spider had laid its eggs on the woman's skin while she slept.

This, too, is an urban legend about spiders. There are several other similar stories.

A man woke up in the morning and noticed that one of his eyelids will not open.

The swelling did not go down but got worse after a few days, so he went to the doctor, but they could not find a cause. He had no choice but to undergo surgery.

When his eyelid was surgically cut open, spiderlings crawled out from inside it.

A spider had laid eggs in the man's lacrimal gland while he was sleeping, and they had hatched.

Some are as follows.

A woman suffered a paper cut on her tongue when she tried to lick the back of a stamp to glue it to a letter.

She didn't pay mind to it, as it wasn't a great injury, and applied the stamp, but her tongue became swollen a few days later.

The swelling grew so large that she went to the hospital for an incision, and an adult cockroach came out of the incision.

There was a cockroach egg on the back of the stamp, and it had gotten into the wound.

As you can see, there are several stories of insects laying eggs in the human body.

Of course, it is impossible for cockroach eggs to get into a wound, or for a spider to lay eggs inside a person's body and then hatch.

However, the insects that appear in the story, such as spiders and cockroaches, are all physiologically repulsive, and so the story has been passed down as an urban legend that emphasizes the creepiness of those bugs.

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