Saturday, January 14, 2023

124 - Taxi Ghosts

【タクシー幽霊、takushii yuurei】

One night, a cab driver picks up a young woman. When they arrived at her destination, the driver looked in the rearview mirror. The woman was not there.

Although puzzled, he rang the doorbell of the house and told the man who answered the door what had happened, because he had to get his fare. The man showed a sad expression.

---He told the driver that the woman was his daughter and that she had died a few years ago by throwing herself into the river. When the driver returned to the cab, the back seat was soaking wet---

Similar to "The Vanishing Hitchhiker", this urban legend is a story that exists all over the world. Another pattern is that the destination is a cemetery. In the U.S. and Europe, the story is told of a hitchhiker, rather than a taxi passenger, reflecting the local characteristics of the area.

The origin of this story is quite old and can be traced back to the time when palanquins were the main means of transportation in Japan.

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