Saturday, January 14, 2023

104 - Notes from the Shunba Tower

【春波楼筆記、shunba-rou hikki】

Miscellaneous writings penned by Koukan Shiba in his later years.

The contents of the work are diverse, ranging from anecdotes to philosophical writings, and Koukan's reflections on the universe.

In this book, Koukan also confessed to making and selling forgeries of Harunobu Suzuki, a famous painter of beautiful women, which has led to the theory that Koukan = Sharaku, another famous Edo painter.

The Notes from the Shunba Tower contains several descriptions of foxes.

A maidservant living in Hogenzaka saw a fireball on a rainy day, and the next day, the second son of her employers wrestled with a white-haired, gold-eyed monster with a fireball in its hand. In addition, he also describes another incident in which a man possessed by a fox was cured.

This suggests that, along with the popularity of Inari worship during the Edo period (1603-1868), it was believed that foxes were responsible for many strange occurrences.

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