Saturday, January 14, 2023

141 - Clairvoyance


Clairvoyance is generally thought to be the power to see through objects, such as seeing the contents of a locked box, but it is actually more than that.

The ability to see the contents of an object is called "ordinary clairvoyance", and other clairvoyant abilities include "remote clairvoyance", which is the ability to see distant scenery or events from a distance, "precognition", and also "hindsight", the ability to correctly recount past events. Psychometry, the ability to read an object's memory by touching it, is also a type of clairvoyant ability.

Clairvoyant research has been conducted for many years, and the study of clairvoyant abilities conducted by psychologist Tomokichi Fukurai during the Meiji era is well known in Japan. Tomokichi Fukurai believed that a woman named Chizuko Mifune was clairvoyant, and after conducting several experiments, he concluded that her ability was genuine.

His research was widely covered by the press at the time, and even led to a major controversy, but her power was later denounced as trickery, and finally came to a sad end when the woman committed suicide by poisoning herself.

Also, in the 1960s, Dutch psychic Gerard Croiset used his abilities to solve numerous cases through clairvoyance. In 1976, he made headlines when he told the location of the body of a missing girl on a TV program.

Abroad, these powers are still being used in criminal investigations, and many cases are said to have been solved as a result.

In addition to criminal investigations, there is also a story that in 1990, this clairvoyance was used in military laboratories to spy on secret Iraqi military bases during the Gulf War.

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