Thursday, June 15, 2023

Hitomi Chapter - Reiko Kashima - Part 2

 Don't forget to read the first part if you haven't!

By the way, this summary will be long, just like with the other Chapter, it's important to know every character and event because they will all be brought up sooner or later, but pardon me for its long-windedness.
In the last part, we began to relive one of the major paranormal incidents of Hitomi's life, and this one started with the hospitalization of a supermodel called Kaburagi. His right arm, as shown above, was gruesomely burned, and he died on the operating table, as the doctor in charge, Takada, was unable to resuscitate him. Before that, we met with an intern nurse, Tsutsumi, and the patient's fiancée (?), who was deathly pale.
Following his death, a sleazy journalist named Ochiai tried to get some info from Hitomi and Takada, during which he brought up a child who is also hospitalized there, called Fukuoka. Despite the doctors' wishes, he met with him and didn't actually do anything bad, shockingly enough, but his allusions to knowing more about Fukuoka, who he called Takada's "material" didn't go unnoticed.
After that, not one, not two, but three paranormal events happened around Hitomi, one happened in Fukuoka's room, seeming like a classic poltergeist phenomenon, and another was related to a story Ochiai told Fukuoka, that of Reiko Kashima.
Reiko Kashima is a ghost that appears in dreams, she will say "Do you need your right leg?" to anyone who knows her story. If they do not answer quickly with "I do", she will take it with her. However, Hitomi didn't have a dream or see a ghost, instead, she found a message in an empty room, the contents were the same as in the legend, but they were written on a window with lipstick, implying some corporeality. After going to check the inside of the room, it mysteriously became locked, and something flew past the window, on the 9th floor.
Thankfully, she was abruptly saved when Tsutsumi passed by the corridor, which unblocked the door for some reason. This led to what will probably be the only moment of relief she had in this episode, which I will skip because it's unrelated to the case (but it does unlock a bad ending). Anyway, after getting home, she went to take a bath, at which point, we saw that this isn't her first time dealing with the paranormal, as we could see from the scars on her back. However, this wasn't the end of the spiritual harassment, as nail clippings started overflowing out of the shower drain.
Having experienced way too much in just one day, Hitomi just passed out in her bed. And that's where we stopped. Now, we'll see what happened to Kaburagi's autopsy and learn just how related everyone in this case is. Let's begin, shall we?

The next day, the sky was clear, but my mind was covered in total darkness. I couldn't get yesterday's events out of my mind.
"Yes?" Suddenly, I was called from behind and turned around to find Dr. Takada over there.
"It's quite the slow day at work today, isn't it?" I looked at my watch and saw that it was already around midday.
"I'm sorry... I'm not feeling well..."
"Are you okay? You haven't been working too much, have you? You should refrain from overworking.
...Also, about Kaburagi's autopsy. I did it this morning."
"Eh? W-why?"
"The police were in a hurry, and... I just couldn't stand by and watch."
"The autopsy... I was in charge of it, wasn't I?"
"Oh, yes. It's your field of expertise."
"I'm sorry... Because of my tardiness..."
"Don't worry, I did something unnecessary, even though it was outside my area of expertise."
"So, Dr. Takada... What were the results?"
"...Here is the autopsy report."
"Your hunch was right, it seems."

"...Yeah... So it seems."
"Kaburagi's right hand was exposed to a strong acid... {sulfuric acid} or something along those lines. We can conclude that Kaburagi {died of shock} from exposure to it."

"What do the police think?"
"I don't know. At any rate, it seems that his {fiancée} is being interrogated." Fiancée... That woman who was accompanying Terumitsu Kaburagi?
"If you care to, you can go check out the morgue. We're planning to keep her there for a while still."
"Yes, understood."
"You're making a gloomy expression... What's wrong?"
"No, it's just been... a bit of a mess..."
[Everything that happened so far flashes on the screen.]

"Ah, are you perhaps worried about that man, Ochiai?"
"Eh? ...No, it's not that..."
"You shouldn't trust that man."
"Yeah. I wasn't planning to."
"His behavior is suspicious, and it's hard to figure out what he's working towards."
"...I agree, I'll take care."

"Yeah, please do, especially... you should stay away from Fukuoka-kun, I don't think he'll have a happy ending."
"Alright. I'll be careful with that Ochiai man." Dr. Takada was probably right. I haven't the slightest idea what he wants to do by telling Fukuoka-kun Reiko Kashima's story.
"I'll be checking the morgue soon."
"Yeah, I'm sure the police would like to get an opinion from a specialist. I'll be counting on you."
"Yes, understood."
It was then that someone knocked on the laboratory's door. "Excuse me..."
A voice on the verge of trailing off was heard from the other side of the door. Who could it be?
"Come in."

"Ah... Pardon my intrusion. Is this Dr. Takada's office?"
"Yes, it is... What is it?"
At the door stands the woman who accompanied Kaburagi when he was brought in the other day.
"Oh. Please enter." This person is... his fiancée...?
I urged her inside with one hand and closed the door. She entered the room without making a sound. She seemed somewhat... still.
The woman asymmetrically wore a glove on her right hand. Perhaps this also strengthened her transient impression. "Oh, please, come over here."
"Yes... Pardon me." She sat in front of Dr. Takada.
"Well then... I'm going to the morgue." So I said, but as I was about to take my leave...
"Before that, Shikibu-kun, please stay and listen to this, too." Dr. Takada told me that, so I decided to hear their conversation from where I was, beside the door.

"Ms. {Hisako Mareki}..."
"Mr. Kaburagi's autopsy results have been issued. Do you want to see them?"
Dr. Takada then handed the autopsy report to Ms. Hisako. She is Kaburagi's fiancée. I don't think there's any need to hide the cause of death, but...
The way she slowly gazed at the report looked like some kind of painting. It seemed so elegant and ephemeral. "The cause of Mr. Kaburagi's death was..."
"...The burning of his right arm with a substance similar to sulfuric acid..."
"Yes, we believe that he died from the shock of seeing it."
"...I see..." Ms. Hisako spoke with an emotionless voice.
"This autopsy report will be submitted to the police. If you're aware of the circumstances of that day, would you kindly tell us?"
"...I don't know anything... When I returned home, it was already happening..."
"You mean he burned his own arm?"
"...That's what I think. He, recently... seemed very troubled..." It was hard to gauge whether Ms. Hisako's uninflected voice was due to grief or natural.
"...I told everything to the police... They seemed to suspect me because I had no alibi..." With a thin smile on her face, Ms. Hisako's expression, if you would pardon my rudeness, resembled that of a mannequin doll.
However, how could she smile in this situation? I don't understand her mental state.
Or maybe people can't help but laugh when they find themselves in a situation like this... And then I was brought back to reality by Dr. Takada's words.
"On that day... What were you doing? If you would excuse my somewhat policeman-like way of asking..."

"We... are from Hokkaido... So... On that day, we schedule to go out together and meet a {friend from our hometown}. But..."
"Mr. Kaburagi didn't go?"
"...Yes, he was more depressed and gloomy than usual... And so, he said he wouldn't go... That's why I went alone..."
"...When I returned... It was already in that state... Kaburagi's right arm looked like rotten driftwood..."
"And that's when you called an ambulance. Did something change about Mr. Kaburagi?"
"...Speaking of which, he kept mumbling in the ambulance..."
"Mumbling? What did he say?"

"......Reiko Kashima......"
Reiko Kashima? She showed up here, too?
"Uh... Who's this Reiko Kashima?" Dr. Takada doesn't seem to know her.
"...It seems to be some kind of urban legend in vogue right now..."
"Urban legend, huh... What made Mr. Kaburagi blurt that out...?" 
"...I'm not sure. I don't know that much..."
Something has been bothering me for a while, but the way Dr. Takada talks with Ms. Hisako seems like how someone would talk to a person they've known for a long time. Could the two of them be acquaintances?
"Uhm... Excuse me. Not to interrupt your talk, but... Do you two know each other?"
"Yeah... A bit, but it was a long time ago."
"...I'm much obliged to him..."
It's as I expected, hm. But, is this just a coincidence? Or did she turn to Dr. Takada for help with Kaburagi's situation?
Although they seem to be acquaintances, that doesn't mean their relationship is friendly. A delicate air hangs between the two.

"Excuse me! Coming in!" Then, Tsutsumi-kun arrived. As soon as he saw Ms. Hisako's face, he suddenly...
"Eh? Why are you here...!?"
"Oh my, Tsutsuki-kun..."
For some reason, he spoke with a pale expression on his face. "I was surprised with Kaburagi... but to think even you..."
"Tsutsuki-kun, you know her?"

"Yeah... She was my {classmate} at elementary school... I was in the same class as Kaburagi, too..."
"So that's how it is... But then, why didn't you say so yesterday?"
"Yesterday, you didn't say anything when Kaburagi was transported here. Why was that?"
"No... I was really in a panic yesterday... you know, it was a time-sensitive situation. That's why I couldn't say anything."
"...It was the same for me..."
"Because my mind already was in a panic... I had no idea... Tsutsuki-kun was in this hospital..."
"Well, yesterday was hectic, that's for sure. It couldn't be helped."
"...I guess so."
"But, why are you here?"
"She's Kaburagi's fiancée, Tsutsuki-kun."
"Eh!? Fiancée...?"
"...Yes. We just got married the other day..."
"...Is that so... I'm shocked. I can't believe you and Kaburagi got married..."
"Tsutsuki-kun. You phrased that quite rudely."
"...I don't mind... Okay, Tsutsuki-kun?"
"Y-yeah... Sorry about that."
"...Well then... I'll have to go soon..."
"I see... Then, contact me if you remember anything else."
"...Alright, Dr. Takada..."
"Ms. Hisako, don't be disheartened..."
"...Don't worry, I'm fine..."
"......" Ms. Hisako gave a slight bow and left the laboratory.
Ms. Hisako, Dr. Takada's acquaintance...and Tsutsuki-kun's classmate... Terumitsu Kaburagi's death brought them all together. Was this just by chance?
"Ah, speaking of... What's your business here, Tsutsuki-kun?" Once I asked him, Tsutsuki-kun looked down at the rubber gloves on both his hands.
"Ah!! That's right!! The director is performing an operation and wants Dr. Takada to come..."
"Why didn't you say so earlier!"
"I-I'm sorry... Her being here surprised me..."
"Enough... Go inform him I'm going at once."
"Y-yes, understood." Thus Tsutsuki-kun left at a quick pace.
"Well, I'll be going too... Shikibu-kun, what will you do?"
"I'm going to the morgue to see Mr. Kaburagi's remains."
"I see. Well, see you later." Dr. Takada exited the laboratory, leaving those words behind.
Having been left alone, suddenly, those words were brought back to my mind...
...Reiko Kashima...
Terumitsu Kaburagi also called that name at the time of his death. And ever since I heard it yesterday in room 607, a series of mysterious events have been happening around me.
Is this perhaps...

Conjecture from the Autopsy Report

Reiko Kashima, again...? Kaburagi's right arm...
        >Could be described as gone, to an extent.
   >Could be described as burned, to an extent.
Let's go all in.
       >Could be described as gone, to an extent.

That condition is as good as gone in his occupation. In addition, Kaburagi himself...
   >Knew about Reiko Kashima.
             >Didn't know about Reiko Kashima.
He knew, despite being a model.
   >Knew about Reiko Kashima.
Knew about Reiko Kashima... He even repeated her name in his incoherent mumbling... Most likely, he had some attachment to the urban legend...

From what I can gather from the situation...
>Kaburagi's right arm and Reiko Kashima are connected?
   >Kaburagi's right arm was just in an accident. (Conclusion)
I think we've seen enough to know there is a 'Reiko Kashima', but whether she is a ghost or not is still up for debate.
>Kaburagi's right arm and Reiko Kashima are connected?

Kaburagi's right arm and Reiko Kashima's rumors are connected? That thought process is unbecoming of me... How ridiculous.
   >However, I can't deny that. (Conclusion)
   >Such a thing is impossible. (Conclusion)
You can't just say something doesn't exist because you don't like it.
   >However, I can't deny that. (Conclusion)
The relationship between Reiko Kashima and Kaburagi's right arm... cannot be disproved. I don't want to admit it, but I can't deny this reality as well.
...But I must remember this should be used as a reference point only.

"No way..." I'm stuck in that occult mindset again. Strange. I've always been the first to reject this kind of thinking...
Is it because I'm alone in my thoughts that I'm lost in such nonsensical musings? "...Reiko Kashima... huh..."

"Reiko Kashima's showed up even here?" Abruptly, a voice sounds out from the direction of the door, and I turn around. There that man... Ochiai stood.
"This area is off-limits to outsiders!"
"You're a harsh doctor as usual, aren't you?"
Ochiai leaned his back against the entrance wall and stared at me. "Please leave!"
"Oh no... Fukuoka in room 607 was having a nightmare, so I came to call the doctor... Well, if you want me to go home, I'll go home..."
"What? Fukuoka-kun?"
"You! You must have done some strange questioning...!"
"That's a false accusation. I'm here as a third party in good faith to call for your help."
"...I understand. Please leave as soon as possible."
I rushed to room 607. What had happened to Fukuoka-kun? Ochiai was also following me from behind. It seems he was planning on heading to room 607 together with me.

"Are you alright!? Fukuoka-kun!"
He was sitting on his bed, his back turned to me. "......Ah, Miss......"
Fukuoka-kun's eyes as he looked back were swollen from crying. I turned to Ochiai behind me. "What did you do!?"
"No, I didn't..."
"...Miss, it wasn't uncle..."
"What happened, Fukuoka-kun...?"
"I had a... scary... dream..."
"Scary... dream?"

"Yeah... I didn't know where I was... It was a strange place... Around me were other kids I didn't know... And then... Reiko Kashima was there..."
"She asked, 'Do you need your right leg?', 'Do you need your left leg?'... But I didn't have the time to answer..."
"So... my legs..."
"Reiko Kashima took both of them with her..."

"I was... really... scared..."
"I see... But it's alright now. You still have both of your arms and legs. They weren't taken. Don't worry."
"...Okay..." Fukuoka-kun made a face like he wanted to say something.
"Fukuoka-kun... What's wrong?"
"'s nothing..."

"Really? If something's bothering you, please tell me. It's alright... I'll keep it a {secret}..."
"Ehm... Doctor? Can we talk a lil'..."
"What!? You're still here!?"
"It's important. Let's go out to the corridor for a bit..."

Should I listen to Ochiai or continue talking to Fukuoka-kun?
    >Hear Ochiai out.
                  >Keep talking to Fukuoka-kun.
     >Leave for the corridor.
By choosing the third option, since we also chose to check on Fukuoka back in the second choice, we'll unlock some scenes and an extra blank for the Inference Logic segment.
        >Leave for the corridor.
"Then, let's talk there."
"...Wait! Miss!"
"Eh? What's the matter, Fukuoka-kun?"
"Did something happen?"
"I won't know if you don't talk."
"What's wrong, Fukuoka-kun?" Fukuoka-kun fleetingly looked in Ochiai's direction. Apparently, something about him is making him feel uneasy. Perhaps guessing that, Ochiai...
"Well, I'll wait for you outside." Saying so, he headed for the corridor.
"What's wrong? Fukuoka-kun... If something happened, please tell me. Okay?"
"......Um, Miss..."
"Yes?" Fukuoka-kun, half-covered by his futon, turns his eyes toward me and whispers.
"About yesterday... Please don't tell anyone."
"...!!" Yesterday... The events of last night flashed back into my mind.
Vases flew around, and Fukuoka-kun's bed floated in the air. What was... that... unexplainable phenomenon... Even now, I still don't know.
I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine at Fukuoka-kun's innocent whisper. Could Fukuoka-kun have been awake... at that time...?
"Um... Fukuoka-kun? About what happened last night..."
"Hey, can you tell me? Do things like that happen often?"
It's no good. Fukuoka-kun completely covered up his head with the futon. He won't show his face anymore today.
I gave up on trying to ascertain Fukuoka-kun's true intentions and headed for the hallway where Ochiai was waiting. But... yesterday's happenings... they bother me...

Leaving the sick room, I saw Ochiai holding a cigarette in his mouth. "No smoking."
"Ah, that was rude of me..."
"So? What did you want to say?"
"Uh, truth is, it's about my reporting..."
"The 'important talk' was about your news piece!?"
"Yeah, at around what time did he... Fukuoka-kun get hospitalized? He doesn't seem to remember..."
"Well then. I don't know."
"Oy oy, don't get angry, Doctor. This is important to me."
In reply to the serious look in Ochiai's eyes, I spoke in a low voice. "......About two weeks ago, I think..."
"What kind of illness does he... suffer from?"
"I will not speak further! I thought this was only about essential matters..."

"Hey, Doctor. You actually don't know anything about his disease, do you? This is something I looked into myself, but I think it's probably a {drug's side effects}."
"You know what type of medication he takes, don't you?" Fukuoka-kun's illness came from his medication's side effects? This man, from where does he get this information...?

"Silence, huh? ...Then, let's change the subject. In the Soviet Union during the Cold War, they had performed {human experiments} in a serious attempt to create {espers}."
"Sounds like something a third-rate sports newspaper would love."
"Well. They say that a large quantity of drugs was administered to the test subjects... to create espers."
"Some of the side effects had even left some of the patients crippled."
"That's just a rumor, isn't it? It's lacking in credibility."
"I think these rumors and Fukuoka-kun's situation are linked... Doesn't that make you curious, Doctor?"
"Not at all."
"Haa... You're a truly harsh Doctor, aren't you..."
"Excuse me, but I don't have so much time on my hands. If we're done here, this is where we part ways."
"Yeah, go ahead. ...Doctor, beware of Reiko Kashima."
Reiko Kashima...
"That story, although an urban legend, has a very sturdy origin. I'm honest when I say to take care. Oh yes... Speaking of it..." Ochiai held out a newspaper clipping.

It spoke of a {train accident} in Hokkaido, in which a girl suffered a serious injury to her hand. And below it, in exaggerated letters...
"Reiko Kashima's Rumor, Rekindled" was written.
"This is?"
"Our newspaper. Should be from 13 years ago, I think?"
"What deeply bad taste..."
"You can hold that opinion if you want... Ah, there's also this."

The next thing Ochiai pulled out seemed to be some kind of list. "What is this about?"
"A list of medicine approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare..."
"Why do you have this!?"
"That's because I'm a professional too, you know?" Saying so, he pointed to a single item in the list.
"Doctor. This drug, isn't it familiar?"

"Hasn't it still not been approved? There's no way I could know it."
"That's right, but. This drug, according to my own research, appears to have been prescribed in this hospital..."
"Wha!?" I was so shocked I could barely speak.
"Moreover, it seems they're {administering this new drug} to children."
My mind went blank at the sudden revelation. Even though there was no reason to believe in what this man said...
"I'll come again later, Doctor. I'll go more in-depth then."
"W-wait a minute! This list..."
"I'll leave it with you."

"What's going on, Shikibu-kun?"
"Ah, Dr. Takada..."
"Oops, welp, I'll be excusing myself." And so Ochiai went off somewhere, leaving behind an oversized parting gift...
"What's wrong? That man... was he interviewing someone again?"
"No... uh..."
"By the way, how's Fukuoka-kun's condition?"
"It seems he had some kind of scary dream. Other than that... there was nothing particularly unusual."
"I see. That's good..."

"D-doctor? Um... About this..." The list Ochiai gave me earlier, perhaps Dr. Takada knows something about it.
"Hm? What is it? ...A list of new medicines?"
"That man, Ochiai... He said that this drug was already being used in this hospital."
"...Dr. Takada?"
Dr. Takada glared at the list. "Dr. Takada!?"
"...Oh, sorry. That's impossible. How could a medicine that still hasn't been approved be here?"
"That story is the sort of thing a third-rate journalist would come up with."
"Isn't it?"
"Don't worry about this. This gossip... is just bogus."
"Yeah, I understand."
"Also, about Fukuoka-kun... That scary dream of his..."
"He seemed fine. Are you going to talk with him?"
"No, if he's fine then there's no problem. He wasn't particularly agitated or something, right?"
"Yeah, he wasn't."
"I see... That's good. By the way, have you gone to the morgue?"
"Ah, no, I'll do that now."
"You'd better go quickly then. Since it's getting dark... No, you don't believe those types of stories, don't you?"
"Yes, I don't believe them at all."
After answering with a "Me too", Dr. Takada returned to his laboratory. While walking down the corridor toward the morgue, I began to think. About Reiko Kashima...

Newspaper Article from the Past

The article covering Reiko Kashima, hm... Such an article would be total rubbish, however.

Even so, that Ochiai guy...
       >Considers it proof of Reiko Kashima's urban legend.
 >Probably was pulling my leg.
He definitely thinks it's important.
       >Considers it proof of Reiko Kashima's urban legend.

He used the article as proof of Reiko Kashima's urban legend, didn't he? In that case...
       >It's weak evidence.
      >It's sufficient evidence.
You get a penalty if you choose the lower option, I do actually agree with the top one, though.
       >It's weak evidence.

I'd say it's too flimsy to work as evidence. At any rate, that accident and Reiko Kashima...
         >Have no direct connection.
   >Are directly connected.
I mean, in the original story, Reiko Kashima lost her legs in a train accident, but other than that, I don't see a connection.
         >Have no direct connection.

Likely have no direct connection. And there is a part of the article that proves it, that part is...
       >The word "rekindled". (Conclusion)
       >The name "Reiko Kashima". (Conclusion)
The only real choice is the top one.
       >The word "rekindled". (Conclusion)
The word "rekindled"... An expression that could only be used if there was a rumor about Reiko Kashima before that.
In other words, the rumor did not originate from this accident. Meaning that the accident and Reiko Kashima have nothing to do with each other.
There originally was a single fact... which served as the basis for the urban legend, because that's how they are, after all. If you know the original story, you have nothing to fear.
While reflecting on that, I finally reached the entrance to the morgue.

"This place... Still as cold as ever, huh..." It's a natural measure to stop the corpses from decomposing. But coming to this place with only my white gown was a mistake.
The deceased Terumitsu Kaburagi is... in here...

"Eh!?" From the other side of the room, I could see that Terumitsu Kaburagi's body had... its {right arm amputated}. It was a clean cut from a sharp blade...
"W-wait, what does this mean?" I checked again and again, but the answer remained the same. Kaburagi's right arm... the right arm damaged by sulfuric acid... had been cut off...
[Brief flash of red]
That was when it happened. I felt a human presence coming from behind. Perhaps the same as the gaze I felt when I was locked in... that sick room.
However, when I turned around, I saw nobody behind me. And for a mortuary... It seems a little too cold... "...I have to report this to Dr. Takada..."
"......!?" I was unable to open the door once again. It made me recall the events of that hospital room in spite of my wishes.

Moreover... It seems that the inside of the room is growing colder by the second. The way this is going... I'll probably end up frozen... "Hey! Somebody!!"
"I-it's cold......" It's already at freezing temperatures.
Holding myself with both arms, I crouched down. I felt like... I had no choice but to wait... "......So...cold..."
[Crack, screen goes black]
"A-a power outage...?" However, this blackout was quite the fortunate thing. Now the air conditioning won't be running for a while. And the room temperature... will be fine now...
In total darkness, I heard multiple footsteps. They were... moving back and forth in front of me. I didn't hear a door open, so... someone was there... from the beginning?
The footsteps were moving all over the place. When a person's sense of sight is blocked off like this... their hearing becomes very sensitive. Even if I didn't want to listen, the footsteps wouldn't leave my ears.

Suddenly, a light showered my eyes, making me cover them by reflex. A person's face floated in the darkness. It was... Dr. Takada, making a worried expression.
"Dr. Takada..."
"Shikibu-kun... Are you alright?"
"Yes... Somewhat."
"The power suddenly went out... So I wondered if you were okay."
Glancing at the door, I saw that it already was open wide. Despite there having no sound of it opening... Why is that?
And, although there were several footstep sounds... The only one in front of my eyes is Dr. Takada. Could there have been someone else there?
"Doctor, were you alone?"
"Hm? Yes, I was, but why ask that?"
"No... it doesn't matter. Thank you very much... I was saved thanks to you."
"However... it's cold... much more than usual."
"Yeah... It looks like the temperature was gradually lowering."
"I see. But..."
"But? What is it?"
"Was someone playing around with the outside temperature control switch?"
"Maybe? I don't know..."
Truthfully... I thought to tell everything that happened so far to him, but... I couldn't... because that would mean admitting to some aspect of the occult.
Come to think of it... I have to tell Dr. Takada about that thing... Or... what should I do?

Do I tell him about the arm, or---?
       >Tell Takada about the arm.
   >Tell Takada about what happened during the blackout.
   >Ignore Takada and warm myself up.
The last option leads to a bad ending, which we unlocked by going out with Tsutsumi for some reason. I'll show it after the good ending.
       >Tell Takada about the arm.
"Doctor. About Kaburagi's right arm..."
"It's... as you see." I approached Kaburagi's corpse.
The arm that should have just been severed was now nowhere to be found. "It seems it was cut with a sharp-edged tool..."
Where is his right arm...? Did it vanish in the darkness?

Finally, the blackout was solved. However, Kaburagi's arm didn't return...
"Shikibu-kun..." Dr. Takada called me as he came closer to the body.
"What, Doctor?"
"His right arm... Why would someone take it away?"
"To take it away... There must have been a good reason, mustn't it?"

The Arm's Whereabouts

Speaking of which... Why was Kaburagi's arm amputated?
               >Because it had to be.
   >It was by accident.
I don't know how you'd do that by accident.
              >Because it had to be.
It had to be amputated... That is to say, the reason it to be severed was because something was present in the arm?

The need to cut it off meant that...
       >Something was in the arm?
    >There was nothing in the arm.
There probably was something about the arm.
       >Something was in the arm?

There was something in the arm... That was...
        >His right arm was filled with memories.
   >Evidence was left behind in his right arm.
That first option doesn't work this time.
   >Evidence was left behind in his right arm.

Because evidence was left behind in the arm...? Then, the reason for severing and taking it away was...
                     >Because they didn't want the police to find it. (Conclusion)
    >Because the culprit resented the police. (Conclusion)
It could be both, but only one is rational.
                     >Because they didn't want the police to find it. (Conclusion)
They didn't want the police to see the evidence... If there was a criminal aspect to the disappearance of Kaburagi's arm, perhaps it was due to unfavorable evidence against the culprit being left behind in the arm...?

"Perhaps... there was something thye didn't want us to see in the arm..."
"But I didn't find anything during the autopsy."
"Then... Why I wonder?"
"Well, let's thing about that later. It would be better if you got warmed up first of all."
"Yeah, I want to drink some coffee, too."

Leaving for the hallway, we go up to the ground floor. There we came across Ms. Hisako.
"Ms. Hisako, what are you doing here?" This place was the laboratory ward, where we doctors, including Dr. Takada, conduct research in our laboratories.
Ms. Hisako's visit to Dr. Takada's laboratory was... already quite a while ago. Nevertheless, why is she here?
"...I'm sorry... I got lost..."
"Lost?" Did she really get lost in this cleanly structured building?
"...After leaving you laboratory, I thought to go home... But then I lost my way..."
"I see..."
"...And that sudden blackout happened, you know...? The entrance's automatic door didn't open... So I ended up here."
"If so, that's terrible."
This laboratory ward has an automatically locking door for an entrance. Fundamentally, it disallows entry to people without a keycard. There are no restrictions on leaving, though...
"It should be fine now. The power has already been restored."
"Alright... Please excuse my intrusion." Saying so, Ms. Hisako elegantly turned aroud and moved to leave the ward.

"Here's your coffee."
"T-thank you very much." The warm coffee immediately restored a bit of my body temperature.
As if to interrupt the relaxation I finally earned, the telephone ringed.

"Hello, this is the laboratory of Dr. Takada... Yes... Haah" I wonder who's calling? I again gulp down some coffee, regaining some more heat.
"The cause of the blackout..."
"Did they know something?"
"Yes, the call was from the management center. Apparently, the underground air conditioning caused it."
"Underground air conditioning?"
"Underground... It seems that the air conditioning in the mortuary where you were just a few minutes ago was set to a temperature that exceeded all limits. This appears to have caused the power outage..."
"So... that's how cold it was."
"Yeah, fortunately, there was a separate power supply in the patient ward, so it didn't end up a crisis..."
"But... How could this happen?"
"And the person who took Kaburagi's right arm... Who in the world would do something like that...?" Yes... We don't know anything about that situation.
The one who amputated Terumitsu Kaburagi's right arm... And the events that assailed me over these few days... Certainly, someone is behind this series of incidents.
The culprit is... out there.
Come to think of it, I had completely forgotten about it. It seems that Dr. Takada and Ms. Hisako are acquaintances, but I wonder what their relationship is...? I should be able to talk about that now.
But there are so many other questions I want to ask. From where should I begin? Well, what will I do...?

      >Inquire into his relationship with Ms. Hisako.
   >Ask about Fukuoka-kun's condition.
   >Talk about Ochiai.

Let's stop here. It's sudden, but the next segment is really, really long and there won't be any other place to stop for a while. To make up for this, however, I'll say that we're near the Inference Logic segment, which might not be the last segment of this episode, strangely enough. So, please wait, because things are about to get more interesting.

Anyway, see you next time!

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