Wednesday, June 14, 2023

19 - Esper


It is said that, in the former Soviet Union, ESP research was conducted for military purposes. And, according to the testimony of former KGB general Oleg Kalugin, it was even put to practical use, particularly for the purpose of mind-controlling the masses.

Notably, they found a psychic, Nina Kulagia, in the 1960s. She was able to move matches and cigarettes without touching them. The authorities were also researching and developing a psychotronic generator, a device that could store her psychic energy.

When Western countries learned of this, they also began to study psychic abilities, and each country subsequently discovered and studied many psychics.

In the United States, the CIA launched a psychic research program called the Stargate Project. It is said that many psychics were brought together and used for anti-terrorist and military purposes by making full use of distant clairvoyance, known as remote viewing.

Even today, the FBI and other organizations are reportedly incorporating psychometry, remote viewing, and dowsing to read the memories of objects and use them in criminal investigations.

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