Wednesday, April 19, 2023

116 - Organ Trafficking

【臓器売買、zouki baibai】

Many people in the world need organ transplants because of serious internal diseases or accidents.

Organ transplantation is a wonderful act of philanthropy to save such people from disease.

On the other hand, some people buy and sell organs as a profession.

Truthfully, there are many recipients in the world waiting for transplants, and there are black market brokers who take advantage of this reality to buy and sell organs for large sums of money.

In fact, in some developing countries, it is not uncommon for poor people in financial difficulty to trade their own organs for a living.

In some cases, murders have been committed and the victims' organs sold, or parts of patients' organs are secretly removed during surgery and sold, or body parts of the dead are cut out of the morgue and sold.

Although organ sales and gratuities to organ donors are currently prohibited in the U.S., some organizations charge large sums of money as "commissions" for matching donors and recipients, and there are concerns that organ transplantation is being used as an organ business.

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