Friday, August 5, 2022

171 - The Axeman Under the Bed


【ベッドの下の斧男、beddo no shita no ono`otoko】

It happened when a friend stayed in a woman's room. It was getting late at night, and it was time to go to bed, so the woman decided to sleep in her bed and her friend on the floor with a futon.

Then suddenly, her friend complained of thirst. When the woman urged her friend to go and buy some by herself, her friend insisted that she should go with her. The woman was kind of forced out of the room, and after walking down the street for a while, she noticed that her friend was acting strangely.

When she asked what was wrong, her friend told her to call the police immediately. Lying on the floor, the friend noticed a man holding an ax hiding under the bed. Thankfully, the man was arrested by the responding officers. The man was going to kill them both when they fell asleep.

This rumor, which is now quite famous in Japan, originally came from the United States. The following story was told there in the 1900s.

A woman was home alone one night when she touched what seemed to be someone's head on the stair railing. The woman, thinking it was a robber, pretended to complain, "How could I leave a mop out in a place like this?" and casually went outside to get help, thereby escaping harm.

This shows that the motifs that make up the story have remained largely unchanged and that its origins go back a long time. Although it is not certain whether this event is a real one or not, "The Axeman Under the Bed" is now regarded as old gossip known to everyone in the U.S.

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