Friday, August 5, 2022

169 - Brunvand



World-famous American folklore and urban legend researcher.

Born in Cadillac, Michigan.

After completing his Ph.D. at Indiana University in 1961, he taught English and folklore at the University of Idaho and the Southern Illinois University, while doing so, he collected the oral traditions handed down in so many cities, the so-called "urban legends".

Following this, he went to teach at the University of Utah, and in the span of 30 years he worked there, from 1966 to 1996, he studied and presented the urban legends he had collected.

Currently an emeritus professor at the University of Utah.

His works include "The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings(Japanese Title: The Vanishing Hitchhiker: The Power of Imagination in American Cities)", "The Choking Doberman and Other "New" Urban Legends(Same title in Japanese)" and many more.

[In Japanese, foreign words are written in a different syllabic alphabet from native words, this includes names. So, if you're wondering how 'burunban' becomes 'Brunvand', it's quite simple, skip the first 'u' in the word (this is seen even in Japanese words, particularly at sentence ends), and remember that the 'v' sound does not exist normally in Japan, so they replace it with the closest sound they regularly speak, the 'b' sound. Also, the 'd' was skipped because the only substitute they have is 'do', which makes a harder sound than necessary.]

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