Friday, June 30, 2023

119 - Life Flashing Before One's Eyes

[Lit. Running-horse lantern]

Although the Japanese word "souma-tou" can refer to the phenomenon of one's life flashing before their eyes, it's mainly used to refer to revolving lanterns.

It is a type of lantern used to both enjoy the cool breeze and please the eye on hot summer nights, it is one of the most popular features of the summer nighttime.

Inside the lantern, which is usually covered with cloth or paper, an inner frame is placed in the shape of a picture or pattern made of cut or colored paper.

A pinwheel is attached to the top of the shaft of the inner frame, and the rising air current generated by the heat of the light inside the lantern turns the pinwheel, causing the inner frame itself to rotate.

In this way, the pattern of the inner frame, illuminated by light, garnishes the room as if it were a rotating painting.

It is said that when a person is about to die, memories of their past are said to pass through their mind.

It is believed that this phenomenon occurs when the brain is significantly stimulated in the face of a life-threatening situation, and the appearance of this phenomenon is just like a revolving lantern, hence the Japanese expression "memories came to mind like a revolving lantern".

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