Monday, May 29, 2023

93 - I Wish You Had Died

【死ねばよかったのに、shineba yokatta noni】

It was late at night when a group of young people were driving along a mountain road.

The winding mountain road had few streetlights and poor visibility, so they had to drive with extreme caution.

As they approached a curve for the umpteenth time, the headlights of the car suddenly revealed the image of a woman covered in blood in front of them.

The young man driving the car was startled and braked hard.

When he stopped the car and took a closer look, he found that the woman was not there.

Upon calmer reflection, they realized that their car would have gone off the cliff if they had kept on going. 

The ghost must have saved them.

The young people, thinking this, thanked the woman's ghost and wished her kindness and good fortune, when they heard a woman's voice out of nowhere right next to their ears.

"I wish you had died..."

There exists another story similar to this rumor.

Two young women were driving along a mountain road.

The road was unfamiliar to them, but the woman in the front passenger seat was able to guide the car without getting lost thanks to her precise GPS.

I've never been on this road before--- The woman in the driver's seat curiously thought.

The next moment, however, the navigation system of the woman in the front passenger seat pointed in the opposite direction of the original road, that is, the direction of the cliff.

Realizing this a split second before she fell off the cliff, the woman in the driver's seat braked suddenly.

Just as the driver, who had narrowly escaped falling off the cliff, was patting her chest in relief, the woman in the passenger seat muttered to herself.

"I wish you had died..."

The deep, hoarse voice was clearly that of a man. When she looked next to her in surprise, she saw that the woman in the passenger seat had fainted.

Both of these rumors are based on the twist that "the ghosts that were supposed to be helping them were actually trying to kill them".

We do not know if these events actually happened.

However, because of the excessive ghost story-like elements, there is a strong possibility that the story is fictional in nature.

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