Friday, April 28, 2023

180 - Martin Luther

【マルティン・ルター、marutin rutaa】

Born in 1483 in Saxony, Germany as the son of a miner, he studied theology as a monk.

He published the 95 Theses, questioning Pope Leo X's authority to issue indulgences in Germany to finance the establishment of St. Pietro's Church in the current-day Vatican, which the Pope claimed would forgive sins.

He proved that indulgences had nothing to do with the salvation of souls and was subsequently excommunicated.

However, this triggered the "Reformation", which rejected the old Catholic Church.

Historically, the Reformation led to the birth of Protestantism, which later triggered the Industrial Revolution and became the foundation for the birth of the British Empire.

It is also said that he coined the term "poltergeist", although he himself believed poltergeists to be the work of the devil.

For a long time after that, the term "poltergeist" was rarely used, and except for its use in the book "The Night Side of Nature" by Catherine Crowe, published in 1848, it was not generally recognized at all until the Society for Psychical Research began to investigate it in earnest.

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