Friday, April 28, 2023

138 - Electrical Fields

[Lit. "Electrical boundary", they can also be called "電場", lit. "Electrical place"]

Also called an E-field.

A force field created by the movement of positively and negatively charged electrons, protons, and ions in accordance with the laws of physics.

Simply put, it is a field of force generated around an object to which a voltage is applied, and the force generated by the entry and transmission of an electric charge in the flow of that field is called an electric force.

Electric fields exist all around us.

Electric fields are generated around objects that have voltage applied to them, so even when household appliances are plugged into a wall outlet and not switched on, an electric field is generated around the outlet. Also, static electricity generated by rubbing one's head on an underlay or taking off one's clothes is a phenomenon caused by an electric field, and when thunderclouds are formed, an electric field is generated between the earth's surface and the clouds as well.

The unit of measurement for electric fields is expressed in kv/m (kilovolts per meter) or v/cm (volts per centimeter).

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