Wednesday, April 19, 2023

10 - Aliens

[Lit. People of another planet.]

Life from planets other than Earth. So-called extraterrestrial intelligent life forms.

They are said to live on planets distant from Earth, possessing extremely advanced scientific capabilities, and often coming to Earth aboard spaceships. Their purpose is not to make contact with humans on Earth but to conduct research, as evidenced by their behavior, such as draining the blood of domestic animals and sometimes implanting mysterious metal fragments into human bodies.

In 1947, an incident occurred in the United States in which the remains of an alien were recovered. It is known as the "Roswell Incident".

The Roswell Incident is the general name given to the disturbance over the recovery of debris from a UFO believed to have crashed in New Mexico, and the San Augustin Incident, the collection of the bodies of four aliens a short distance from the UFO.

The aliens recovered in this incident were the now universally well-known "Gray" aliens with small stature, silver skin, large heads, and large eyes.

The media announced the existence of an investigative report on this UFO and the Grays. This report is commonly known as "MJ-12" (Majestic Twelve).

Majestic 12 was originally the name of a research organization consisting of 12 key figures from various government and military agencies.

However, the MJ-12 investigation report was later found to be a forgery.

In 1995, the existence of a video recording of the autopsy of a Gray's body recovered in the Roswell case became a worldwide sensation.

However, it appears that this too was a fake.

So what exactly was recovered in the Roswell Incident? And does extraterrestrial life exist?

That still remains a mystery.

However, according to a 1996 NASA report, traces of life, such as bacteria, were found in a meteorite discovered in Antarctica that originated from Mars 3.6 billion years ago.

In the vastness of the universe, the possibility of the existence of life cannot be ruled out.

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