Tuesday, February 7, 2023

47 - Gaze Method

[A.K.A. the "Eye-fixation approach" or "Braidism"]

One of the hypnotic induction techniques used in hypnotism. The subject is made to focus on a single point, which leaves the brain unprotected and allows the instincts to come out, leading the subject to fall under hypnosis.

The well-known example of moving a five-yen coin like a pendulum and making the person stare at it is a typical example of this staring method. Another approach is to make them stare at a penlight or similar light source.

In addition to the gaze method, there are other hypnotic induction techniques, such as the "startle method", in which the subject is startled into expressing reason; the "back reversal method", which involves the subject closing their eyes and applying the suggestion that they're being pulled backward; and the "relaxation method", in which the person is relaxed and led into a hypnotic state.

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