Tuesday, February 7, 2023

175 - Polygraph


A device that documents and examines brain waves, eye movement, electromyograms, galvanic skin response, reflexes, blood pressure, and other information by attaching 20 electrodes to various body parts, such as the head, chest, torso, legs, etc.

When people give false testimony, in other words, tell lies, they show physical reactions due to mental agitation. The polygraph records physiological changes in respiration, perspiration, blood pressure, pulse, and electrodermal reflexes, and analyses them to ascertain whether a person's testimony is true or false. This device was introduced in criminal investigations in the 1960s.

Although polygraph tests were considered to be criminal case evidence when they were first introduced, they are now, however, controversial and treated with caution, especially when they are used on suspects.

In recent years, polygraphs have also been used to test for sleep apnea, a phenomenon in which breathing stops during sleep.

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