Tuesday, February 7, 2023

108 - Deep Hypnosis

【深度催眠、shindo saimin】
['Shindo' actually means 'depth', but it's used as 'deep' in this context, however, it's also used as depth in this entry with hypnosis following it, so... Japanese can get a bit weird.]

The degree of suggestion given to a person under hypnosis depends on the depth of their hypnotic state.

After the subject is placed under hypnosis by hypnotic induction, the trance state is gradually deepened by the deepening method. In the shallowest state, the whole body is relaxed and there is little or no suggestion.

As the trance deepens, the subject loses sensation in the limbs and can become subject to suggestions that can control their behavior. Deeper still, it can urge the subject's sensibilities and even make them forget what happened during the hypnosis.

The deepest of these is deep hypnosis. A person under deep hypnosis is said to be able to be shown hallucinations and have their senses numbed.

Retrograde hypnosis can also be used to retrace memories or to erase or falsify past memories. It is also possible to perform what is known as 'post-hypnosis', in which the subject is put back under hypnosis after the trance has worn off by playing certain sounds or words, as often seen on television.

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