Saturday, January 14, 2023

198 - Spirits and Electromagnetic Interference

【霊と電波障害、rei to denpa-shougai】

The relationship between spiritually sensitive people and spirits is often compared to that of a radio and radio waves. The human body is a radio, so to speak, and a spiritual person is equipped with channels to sense spirits, the radio waves. Occasionally, spirits seem to approach the airwaves, though not necessarily because of that.

A theory exists that when a spirit draws near a radio, the signal becomes disrupted and static is produced. Not only that but sometimes words are uttered through the radio.

It is said that on a certain national highway in Saitama Prefecture, there is a place where, when listening to the AM radio while driving, the voices of spirits blend into it. There is also a story of a series of accidents, whose victims had heard the voices of spirits which were mixed in the radio.

Moreover, the voices of spirits are sometimes recorded. There are many CDs that contain creepy voices or screams, even though they have been auditioned by numerous people and released to the public. There are also many tales of spirit sightings in recording studios.

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