Friday, November 25, 2022

48 - Obsessive-Compulsive

[Lit. Compelling (particularly under duress) idea]

Obsessive-compulsiveness is the state of being anxious, concerned, fearful, and unable to rid one's mind of even the most trivial of matters.

In addition, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder refers to repeating the same behavior more than necessary or performing ritualistic acts to reduce the anxiety caused by such thoughts.

Common examples of OCD are the overwhelming worry that one's hands have been soiled by something that they touched while outside that one is compelled to wash them over and over again, or the anxiety that one might commit an error, such that one has to repeatedly check with others to make sure they're not doing something wrong.

Anxiety caused by compulsions can be temporarily relieved by performing the compulsive act, but the anxiety resurfaces soon enough, and the compulsive act is performed again. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a vicious cycle that repeats itself endlessly.

According to some reports, approximately 2% of the human population currently suffers from OCD, but the causes of this condition are not yet known.

There are several ways to overcome OCD, such as the "exposure method", in which the patient dares to confront the anxiety that causes the obsession, the "reaction method", where the patient gradually adjusts to the compulsion by not engaging in the compulsive behavior, the "exposure-reaction method", which is a combination of both methods, as well as the taking of medications. However, in any case, it is essential to receive professional advice.

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