Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Episode 0 - Chain Mail - Part 14 - Alt. + Bad Endings

Don't forget to check the last part!

As you've surely noticed, this post will have the remaining endings. Why? Because the remaining dialogue for the alternate ending is short and the bad ending is even shorter. It's a bit disappointing, but that just means we'll be able to move forward to the next episode. So, let's begin.

(Verification 1)
The true identity of "Erisa Hattori" is that of the murderer... If you believe Miyuki Kawahara's testimony, that is.

But now that the only witness, Miyuki Kawahara, has died, there is no one left to prove it.
We might be able to see the whole picture of the case if we can grasp the relationship between "Erisa Hattori" and Miyuki Kawahara.

(Verification 2)
Miyuki Kawahara witnessed "Erisa Hattori"...

What if that was an alternate personality of Miyuki Kawahara...? In other words, the "Dual Personality" theory.
Miyuki Kawahara said that a specialist's diagnosis denied her having a split personality.
But, what if it is a special split personality that cannot be explained by modern medicine...?
Of course, this is just a guess. A deduction that was only considered because it's from a detective belonging to a unique department within the police organization.
However, at least at this point, the dual personality theory seems to be the most plausible.

As I said last time, they're the same answers.

 "Mr. Kogure, maybe Miyuki Kawahara had a split personality."
 "A... split personality?"
 "Yeah. She may have denied it, but that's my only conclusion."
"If you think about why the culprit named themselves "Erisa Hattori" and didn't kill Miyuki Kawahara, it would make sense if it was because of her having dual personalities."
"In other words, the murderer "Erisa Hattori" and the popular singer "Miyuki Kawahara" coexisted inside her."
 "Ooh... Mmhm... I-I can't believe it myself. Miyuki-chan being like that, there's no way..."
For Mr. Kogure, an avid fan of hers, it is only natural for him to not want to acknowledge her dual nature.
Even I can't fully bring myself to support this dual personality theory.
Because I can't believe that the same person can have such extremely different personalities.
"Sir... If your deduction is correct, why did Miyuki-chan inform us about the culprit?"
"Normally, you wouldn't want to talk about a killer that looks exactly like you, would you?"
"Moreover, Miyuki-chan is the number one singer in the country... If this became public, she would become easy prey for the mass media."
 "True... Not to mention her death. To suddenly die in the same night she told us about the case..."

"Well, maybe that was a doppelgänger then." The Inspector, who had been lying on the sofa, sits up with a yawn.
"Doppelgänger?" We tilted our heads once we heard a word we never knew before.
 "Doppelgänger. It means "Double" in German. It's a person's other self."
"Those who see their other selves will surely die within a few days. It's a famous story over there."
 "T-that's ridiculous...! Inspector, what a bad joke... hahahaha... Right, sir?"
Mr. Kogure's face was pitifully constricted with a smirk of denial.

After that day, the serial murder case that shook the city was brought to a close.
Despite the desperate efforts of the First Investigative Division, the criminal has still not been arrested.
The Miyuki Kawahara that we met. She may have been the last conscience left in the cold-blooded killer "Erisa Hattori".

[I love this picture so much, it makes going after this ending all worth it]

Comprehensive Evaluation: S Class
Episode Zero - Chain Mail - End

[We're near 100% completion rate, let's see how much we'll gain after seeing the bad ending, shall we?]

[I'll put some lines before the choice, but I'll also leave a link to the full context here.]

From the other side of the phone, mumbling and incomprehensible words flowed out.
I'm making no progress.
Frustrated, I decide to---
       >ask to meet with her.
                >reprimend her for prank-calling.

There are two ways to get the bad ending, by denying the chance to meet with Miyuki Kawahara in her route, or leaving after her disappearance into the alleyways. They have the same dialogue, except a little extra here.
                >reprimend her for prank-calling.
Disappointingly enough, there doesn't seem to be any truth to her words. If she had no guilt, she wouldn't be so upset.
I saw the need to be very careful here for the sake of her future.
"It's your fault for sending this stupid chain mail! I'll arrest you if you don't put an end to this!"
[The call is then disconnected.]
I reprimanded the prank caller and hung up the cell phone.
That didn't come from being mad, me snapping, or any other personal feeling at all.

"Oi oi, Kazami. Why are you snapping at our honored guest?"
"We're in business to meet the needs of our customers, aren't we?"
The Inspector has a point, but I have no obligation to deal with such a malicious prankster.
We police officers are allies only of law-abiding and righteous citizens.

Damn. I still haven't got rid of this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Working like this will only make me less efficient.
I think I'll report to the Inspector and leave early.

That same night---
As usual, I went to a nearby convenience store to buy dinner.
Although easy to prepare, the lack of human warmth in the bento emphasizes the dreariness of being a bachelor living alone.
"Huh? This is strange..."
Usually, I pass by office workers leaving work and students making their way home, but today, there are no people at all.
W-what? Something is wriggling in the darkness.
What looked like a strange mass, was actually a fallen woman. ...Is she injured!?
"Are you alright!?" I run over to her, throwing down the bento I had just bought.
"Please stay strong! I'll call an ambulance right now!"
I took my cell phone out of my breast pocket and dialed 119. [The ambulance and fire brigade emergency telephone number in Japan.]
"Why... didn't anyone..." She mutters breathlessly. At least she seems conscious.
"Why... couldn't anyone..."
"Don't speak. An ambulance is coming soon."
"Even that person..."
"That person...? That person, who...?" I was curious and asked.

"It's because of you that I've been through this!"

[We get a file for failing too, it's named "YOU!".]

Comprehensive Evaluation: D Class
Episode Zero - Chain Mail - End
[No F Class? Oh well.]

[Only 4% more? I guess we'll need the other Class rankings to complete it, however... It doesn't seem we'll get any more dialogue. Instead, let's see the title of the next episode before we begin it.]

Episode One - Kokkuri-san

Next time, we'll start Episode One. I can say for certain that it will be much, much bigger than Episode Zero. After all, it is meant to be an introduction to the game's mechanics. I am extremely anxious in every meaning of the word. I hope you are looking forward to it too.

Anyway, see you next time!

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