Thursday, October 27, 2022

42 - Fox Possession


In the past, the phenomenon of a person suddenly emitting strange noises as if possessed by some beast, or walking around in their arms and legs like an animal, was called "fox possession", and was thought to be caused by a fox spirit possessing the person.

Today, with the development of science and medicine, these phenomena have been shown to be caused by mental illness, head trauma, or addiction to alcohol or drugs. However, in the past, it was thought to be a sickness that could not be cured by a doctor, caused by possession by a fox.

In recent years, only such pathological phenomena are considered to be fox possession. Indeed, if one only looks at this aspect, fox possession may seem very evil, but it greatly influenced ancient beliefs.

Since ancient times, there have been "tsukimono", or "possessors", in Japan. [Lit. Things that possess] "Tsukimono" were animal spirits employed by people, and it was believed that by using these "tsukimono", they could curse others or draw in the wealth of other people's households. Those cursed and possessed by "tsukimono" showed animalistic behavior.

Although it may not seem plausible today, this idea may have functioned as a way of explaining otherwise inconceivable things such as regional wealth disparities or unknown illnesses. In other words, if a person contracted an unidentified disease, it was because they were "possessed", and if a family suddenly began to prosper, it was because they owned a "tsukimono", thereby explaining the situation.

When someone was possessed by something or made ill, and could not be cured by a doctor, the curse or misfortune would be exorcised through blessing and prayer by a specialized Onmyouji [Monks/sorcerers who mastered the manipulation of yin and yang] or other such practitioners.

The phenomenon of fox possession is a relatively new idea that began in modern times. Traditionally, foxes were thought of as messengers of the gods who heralded the harvest of rice crops, and while they were revered, they were also believed to be beasts that could bewitch people.

In the Edo period, the fox was revered as a guardian deity of fertility and prosperity, but was also associated with the true nature of various yokai, and was considered to have both a "holy" and "evil" face. These trends of fox deities and fox apparitions, combined with traditional prayers and sorcery, led to the belief that "foxes possess people".

In this process, a distorted perception was left behind, isolating only the disastrous aspect of "disease of unknown cause" = "possessed by a fox" = "spiritual disease". However, it is an undeniable fact that many legends of "bringing wealth" remain from the past, and such a way of thinking can be said to have fulfilled an admirable social function.

To understand these phenomena correctly, it is necessary to realize that there existed a system unique to the early modern period that cannot be rationally explained by modern science and medicine.

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