Saturday, October 8, 2022

184 - Trembling with Excitement

[Lit. Shaking (震い) warrior (武者).]

When facing a formidable opponent in a competition, the body naturally shakes, a phenomenon known as "shaking with excitement".

When the human brain has to face something powerful, tension causes stress.

When stressed, the pituitary gland directs the adrenal glands to secrete two types of "adrenocortical hormones" called catecholamine and cortisol, commonly referred to as "stress hormones".

These hormones are known for raising blood sugar levels, improving brain and muscle function, and increasing blood pressure by quickening the heart rate and constricting blood vessels, thus preparing the body to confront stress.

This phenomenon causes one to "tremble with excitement", the involuntary shaking of the body.

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