Thursday, October 27, 2022

133 - Table-turning


A Western séance technique also known as table-tilting or even table-tipping.

Several people sit around a table, place both hands on top of it, then evoke the spirits, and even though no one moves the table, it shifts and tilts, making various sounds as its legs hit the floor. The number of times the table moves and makes noise is used to communicate with the spirits.

Victor Hugo, the great French writer famous for "Les Misérables", was also a great fan of this table-turning, and he left behind an extensive record of the two years he spent communicating with the spirits in his villa.

Hugo communicated with Caesar, Napoleon, and even abstract concepts such as "The World Spirit" and "The City", which he discussed with the future of humanity and the earth.

Faraday, the English chemist, and physicist, famous for discovering the law of electrolysis, also physically tested table-turning. First, Faraday had the subjects perform table-turning in a normal manner. The table mysteriously began to move as expected.

However, he then had the table-turning performed while having placed a piece of paper between the table and the hands. The table did not move, but the paper between the table and the hands moved. This proved that the table did not move by the power of the spirits.

In the next experiment, the table was marked so that the subjects could visually recognize that it was moving, but when they were able to see the markers, the table did not move at all.

In other words, he demonstrated that by visually eliminating the factors that cause the hand to move unconsciously, the table ceases to move. His experiments established that table-turning is caused by unconscious, automatic muscular motions.

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