Friday, September 2, 2022

Episode 0 - Chain Mail - Part 7

 If you haven't, don't forget to read the first part or the previous part!

In the last part, we discovered the identity of the killer and confronted them in an abandoned building. I won't say their identity in order to not spoil it, although I do think it's kinda obvious (lol). Either way, let's see the conclusion of this route.

Immediately after the reveal, another tutorial for Inference Logic is dropped on us.

(Inference Logic)
Finally, let's organize the case using "Inference Logic". Inference Logic is a system that uses the keywords picked up along the course of the investigation to create an overall picture of the case.
There will also be a comprehension check to see how far you have grasped the full scope of the incident. Now, let's answer some important questions along with this navigation.

(Verification 1) What is Miyuki Kawahara's true identity?

The correct answer is sadly, "murderer".

(Verification 2) What is the relationship between Miyuki Kawahara and "Erisa Hattori"?
                  >Different people
                  >Split Personality 
                  >The same person

For this one, while 'the same person' is correct, I think 'split personality' sounds more accurate to the situation.
                 >Split Personality

Please fill in any other blanks. You can also replace the keywords in already filled in blanks. By filling in all the blanks, you will complete the full picture of the case.

Well, there's not anything more I can do. So, I pressed the 'finalize' button.

Finalize this logic? >Yes / No

(Verification 1) Unfortunately, Miyuki Kawahara's true identity is that of the "murderer"...
I still can't believe it, but I can't change the facts in front of me. The murderer was Miyuki Kawahara.
But then, the mystery of "Why was she indicted as witnessing the killer?" would remain.
Miyuki Kawahara went out of her way to send a chain mail asking for people to help her. An unthinkable act for a killer to do.
Miyuki Kawahara and Erisa Hattori. If we understood the relationship between these two, maybe we'll be able to see the whole picture.

(Verification 2) Miyuki Kawahara witnessed "Erisa Hattori"...
What if that was another personality within Miyuki Kawahara...? In other words, the "split personalities" explanation.
Miyuki Kawahara said that a specialist's diagnosis denied her having a split personality.
However, what if there was a special type of split personality that cannot be explained by modern science...?
Of course, this is just a guess. A deduction that was only considered because it's from a detective belonging to a unique department within the police organization.
But, there is no doubt that common sense does not apply to explain her abnormal transformation...

Once this explanation ended, the game checked all the blanks. Thankfully, mine were all correctly filled.

After a while, Miyuki Kawahara regained consciousness.
 "I-I... I'm..."
 "Miyuki-chan! Are you alright!?"
"Don't come closer!" When we tried approaching her, she strongly rejected us.
 "After all... I... am the killer..."
"I thought maybe... but... I didn't want to believe it!"
"I didn't want to believe it, but... I had to do something to stop it..."

"So you used a chain mail to find people willing to help, yeah?"
"Inspector! You're here, how!?" My voice cracked a little bit at the appearance of this unexpected person.
"I happened to pass by on the way home from buying betting tickets, y'see."
It's too pained an excuse. There's no way she'd come across a place like this with such timing.

"No matter, you there, you look to be in a serious condition. That didn't seem like a split personality or an out-of-body experience..."
 "Um... You are?"
 "Ah. It's fine, so don't worry 'bout it."
"It's a bit extreme for a normal person to suddenly turn into a murderer... I have a feeling there's a special reason for it. You there, do you have any idea what it might be?"
 "An idea...?"
 "For example, y'see this room? It's obviously made for black magic rituals. Moreover, it's above the level of an amateur."
After being told this, Miyuki Kawahara noticed this cursed room for the first time.
"Ah...!" She stopped moving, staring at one spot.
 "What is it!? Didja notice something?"
 "That painting..."

"That person is...!" exclaimed the Inspector when she saw the portrait.
She showed a serious expression, something I didn't expect from the Inspector who was always joking around.
 "Inspector, is there something wrong with that painting?"
 "...No, it's nothing. I was just wondering how much it would sell for."
When the Inspector turned around, her expression had returned to her usual poker face.

"...Huh? Miyuki-chan?" Mr. Kogure craned over his thick neck.
I follow suit, but Miyuki Kawahara is nowhere to be seen.

"Ack! She's gone!" The moment I heard the Inspector's words, my heart beat loudly.
Once she realized the killer's true identity, she chose a path in despair--- And there was only one path she could think of.
 "We have to stop her!!"
When we reached the roof of the abandoned building, we caught sight of Miyuki Kawahara.
The sun had already set, enveloping the area in darkness.

"Miyuki-chan!" "Stop!" "Don't be hasty!"
We shouted every word of restraint we could think of.

"I'm sorry... But, I have no other choice..."
"When I saw that picture... I remembered everything... All the people I..."
"I'm sorry..."
This last plea may have been aimed not at us, but at the victims.

Mr. Kogure's cry wasn't able to reach her as she brought herself to justice.

2 weeks later---

[Building reads "Daigo University Hospital".]
Miyuki Kawahara is still unconscious.
Although they were able to save her life, she is still sleeping. The doctors say she will likely remain in a coma for the rest of her days.
The TV and magazines talk about her every day as a tragic heroine.
In order to avoid unnecessary panic, the upper management of the police will refrain from making an official announcement until Miyuki Kawahara regains consciousness.
That meant burying the truth of the case in the darkness...

"What, Kazami?"
 "What do you think of this incident, Inspector?"
 "What do you mean?"
 "Don't you know something? Because, at that place..."
 "Do you want to hear it?"
 "Well, of course..."

"Kazami, do you believe in reincarnation?"
I was puzzled by the sudden question. "Reincarnation...?"

"Yes. Many religions have a view of life and death in terms of reincarnation, including Buddhism's "Cycle of Transmigration"."
"All human beings are afraid of dying. Because of that, the idea that the soul survives after death naturally sprang up."
"In most cases, the previous life's memories are lost, but there are rare occurrences where they aren't forgotten."
 "Are you saying Miyuki Kawahara's one of these cases?"
 "A tragic singer haunted by an ancient spirit... sheer fancy. Forget about it."
"Inspector!" I chased after the evading Inspector.
I truly want to know the truth. This impulse moved me.
 "Well, Kazami. There are some things in the world that make you happier if you don't know about them, y'know?"
"Rather than that, look at that. Why don't you try to console the poor guy over there?"
"Y'see, I've got to go out for an unforeseen reason. Take care of the rest, couldja?"
Saying so, the Inspector quickly leaves the room. In her hand was a horse racing magazine.
Good grief. This Inspector is a problem.
Good grief. This Mr. Kogure too...
Ever since Miyuki Kawahara tried to commit suicide by jumping off that building, Mr. Kogure has been like this.
The Mr. Kogure that was overflowing with energy is now gone.
It would not be good for him if things continued as they were, so I decided to fulfill the duty that the inspector had assigned me.
 "Mr. Kogure, if you keep being depressed like that, it'll poison your body."
 "Sir... I don't know what to believe in anymore..."
 "Shouldn't you believe in Miyuki Kawahara?"
"Eh...?" It seems like I said something strange. Mr. Kogure looked at me in surprise.
In order to encourage Mr. Kogure, I continued.
 "I don't know why she killed those people, but I don't think it was by her own will."
"That's why she used a chain mail to ask for help. Wasn't she desperately fighting against the murderer... her other self while being tormented by anxiety and fear?"
"By her own will, she fought and overcame the killer that lurked within her."
"I'm sorry to say this, but this might have been the best thing for her..."
 "S-sir..." Mr. Kogure was disheveled with tears.
The ringtone that saved us from the transformed Miyuki Kawahara. After looking at his call history to confirm our savior, it turned out that the call was from Miyuki Kawahara's cell phone. We couldn't believe she called us in that situation. Isn't this the result of her resilience? According to Mr. Kogure, that song is her latest hit titled "Phantom".
"Phantom" is a synonym for ghost. Miyuki Kawahara may have been singing while being aware of the spirit inside her.
It seemed like a very sad ending theme.
How happy would she be if she never knew the truth? There are times when I can't help but think of that...

Comprehensive Evaluation: S Class
Episode Zero - Chain Mail - End

This isn't the end yet! We have an epilogue to read as well.

??? - "Now... what did you take from this case?"
How much time has passed? The unidentified man talked endlessly about this case that Kazami and the others experienced.
The details were unbelievable. I've heard of Miyuki Kawahara, but who could believe that such events would escape the public eye and be concealed?
??? - "It looks like you don't believe my words. Well, that's not unreasonable. Rather, it would be troublesome if you believed me so easily."
??? - "Faith can be said to be the abandonment of thought as well. Strong belief blinds people and can put them in danger."
??? - "Besides, if you think about the truths that you will learn from now on, the common sense and beliefs you have now..."
The man's words were cut short. Is it mercy for this captive, or part of the devil's scheme?
??? - "Just remember this. If we accept that all the phenomena we humans see and hear are inexplicable, our hesitation will disappear."
??? - "And you will be able to discern the truth hidden in the rumors spread by a friend of a friend..."
It was the first piece of advice the man had given me. I'm still imprisoned in darkness, but are they not planning in doing more harm than this?
I couldn't figure out the man's words and actions, but I'm a prisoner. It seems I have no option but to shut up and listen to what he has to say.
??? - "By the way, have you heard of this story? I heard it from a friend of a friend..."

As you can see, this chapter's completion rate is 40%. Until that number reaches 100, we'll keep replaying this chapter to see all of the possible routes. Now, this isn't the only ending for this route, however, I wanted to try out some different choices from the very beginning. The next part will be all about them, and the one after that might follow a different route altogether. Either way, we'll come back to this one sooner or later.

See you then!

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