Friday, September 30, 2022

49 - Habitual Lying

[A conjunction of "falsehood" and "habit".]

There are various types of lies, but lies about one's status, skills, etc. spoken for the sake of their own vanity, through repetition, can become chronic and eventually indistinguishable from reality.

This occurrence is generally referred to as habitual lying, mythomania, pathological lying, or pseudologia fantastica.

This symptom is a manifestation of excessive self-aggrandizement and a desire to be seen for who they are. Moreover, since the liar does not consider their lies to be falsehoods, there is no malice towards the listener on their part.

Since the goal of pseudologia fantastica is to fulfill the desire to draw attention to oneself, the contents of the lies could be great claims, such as being famous, or they could be an attempt to gather sympathy, for example, having an unfortunate upbringing or background.

Since the liar themselves is not aware they're telling lies, it is difficult for those around them to know whether what they're saying is true or false. Pathological lying is often seen in young children and women and is thought to be a form of hysteria.

In contrast, if someone intentionally continues to lie even if they know they are lying, it is considered a type of behavioral or personality disorder.

In the case of a behavioral disorder, the symptoms are considered similar to those of kleptomania, or compulsive buying disorder. [They didn't use the actual names here and instead described similar situations. Also, did you know that CBD can also be called oniomania?]

In the case of a personality disorder, the person will consciously act out scenarios they drew up to draw attention to themselves through self-aggrandizement or to satisfy the desire to transform themselves into someone else. This condition is also said to be common among actors, religious leaders, and politicians.

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