Thursday, September 22, 2022

30 - Pleasure Killings

[Lit. pleasure + murder]

There is usually a motive for murder, whether it be a grudge, a love affair, or a financial interest. However, there are other motives for murder that do not fit into these general categories. One such motive is pleasure killing.

There are no firm reasons for pleasure killings.

Then why do they kill people? If one is to deliberately seek a reason behind a pleasure killing, it would be "killing because they want to kill".

They kill to satisfy their curiosity about what killing feels like, and their desire to see blood flow, people suffer and die. The repulsive act of killing to feel sexual pleasure.

This is what pleasure killing is.

In many cases, it is believed that the predisposition of pleasure killers can be traced back to childhood. Many of them grew up with traumatic childhood experiences, such as physical or sexual abuse or extremely limited contact with their families.

In such an environment, where no one can help them, they spend their lonely childhoods escaping into distorted fantasies, which eventually materialize and gradually escalate into the abuse of pets and other animals, and general abnormal behavior.

Of course, this is just a generalization and not all people who have suffered psychological trauma as children become pleasure killers. In addition, there is still much more research to be done on pleasure killings, and it is an issue to be taken in conjunction with society and the systems that lie behind it.

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