Monday, September 26, 2022

186 - Ms. Mary


A certain girl decided to throw away her cherished doll "Ms. Mary" when she moved out of her old house.

The day after the move, the girl received a phone call.

"Hello, it's me Mary. How could you throw me away. Remember this. I'll do the same to you."

The girl, who naturally thought it was a prank, didn't care in the slightest.

But on the next day, the phone rang again.

"Hello. I am in front of the station right now. Please come pick me up."

Again on the next day.

"Hello. I am in front of your house. I'm almost there."

Frightened, the girl immediately hung up the phone.

Later that night, the girl's house phone made a piercing sound.

But, she was too scared to answer the phone.

However, once the phone switched to the answering machine, a message from a familiar voice was heard.

"Hello, it's me Mary. Why didn't you come to pick me up? But that's alright. After all, I am..."

"Right now... behind you."

The following day, the girl's room was empty of her, with only the doll lying there.

This is the rumor of "Ms. Mary". In addition, there is a variation where the girl turned around and was stabbed by a kitchen knife, but the flow of the story is almost the same.

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