Wednesday, September 14, 2022

135 - Iron Maiden

【鉄の処女、tetsu no shojo】

The most famous execution device is most likely the guillotine, whereas the most famous torture device is perhaps the "Iron Maiden".

The iron maiden is a bell-shaped iron container built to the size of a human body, with several iron needles attached to the inside of the door. By closing the door, victims trapped inside suffer the agony of being skewered.

The prototype, made in the 15th century in Nuremberg, Germany, has a young woman's face carved into the upper part, and when the doors are closed, it resembles a woman wearing a cloak. This is the reason why it's called an "Iron Maiden".

The iron maiden has been designed in various ways so that it could be used for both execution and torture. First of all, many holes were carved into the inside of the door, and by adjusting the position of the needles, it is possible to target a vital point and inflict death, or avoid it and cause only pain.

At the same time, the victim will experience psychological terror by being confined in the narrow space of an iron container. Furthermore, since the instrument is made of thick iron, the screams of the victims will hardly leak to the outside, allowing even unskilled torturers to carry out their sentences without worry.

The original iron maiden was destroyed in an air raid in 1944. Today, only a copy restored in 1828 by a nobleman from Milan, Italy, remains.

With only one record of this horrific torture device being used against a goldsmith in the 16th century, it remains a mystery how many men she has held in her metal arms.

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