Friday, August 12, 2022

60 - Police Detective



Among the many police jobs, such as patrol duty and traffic enforcement, a detective is a police officer who is involved in investigative activities, especially for crimes related to criminal cases, such as murder, robbery, theft, corruption, or fraud.

Unlike ordinary police officers, detectives are not usually in uniform but wear suits and other clothing for their duties instead, to avoid being recognized by criminals since they are dealing with criminal offenses.

Of all the bureaus in a police organization, the one with the most detectives is, as the name implies, the Criminal Investigations Bureau. Taking the Metropolitan Police Department, the police force of the Tokyo area, as an example, their Criminal Investigations Bureau has:

- General Criminal Affairs Division

- First Investigative Division

- Second Investigative Division

- Third Investigative Division

- Fourth Investigative Division

- Organized Crime Countermeasures Division

- Mutual Assistance Investigative Division

- International Investigations Division

- Forensics Division

Each of these divisions is responsible for a specific area of crime. The Criminal Investigations Bureau handles most crimes, starting with the First Investigative Division, which is in charge of the most notorious crimes such as murder and robbery, followed by the Second Investigative Division, which deals with fraud and embezzlement, and the Third Investigative Division, which handles theft and so on.

However, there do exist detectives that are not part of the Criminal Investigations Bureau. These are members of the Public Safety Bureau and the Community Safety Bureau. The Community Safety Bureau deals with crimes other than those handled by the Criminal Investigations Bureau, from smuggling, prostitution, and the illegal possession of drugs and guns, to crimes committed by minors.

In addition, the Public Safety Bureau, which is unique to the Metropolitan Police Department, handles political crimes, crimes committed by special interest groups, and crimes against foreigners, such as the extradition of fugitives from the country. These detectives, dressed in civilian guises, fight day and night to eradicate crime.

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