Monday, August 29, 2022

57 - Black Magic


[Literally black + magic. The 'jutsu' is also used for words like 'ninjutsu', as it means art/technique. However, the occurrences of those words in the following text use a different Kanji.]

To begin with, magic refers to man-made techniques created to manifest some effect on nature.

Magic, as it is commonly known, is divided into white magic and black magic.

White magic, also known as natural magic, is an art based on the idea that affinities and bonds exist between objects in the natural world, and by elucidating and harnessing them, it would once again reconnect mankind to nature.

In other words, white magic is the art of utilizing unknown forces that were not understood before the Middle Ages, it would be called science, chemistry, and physics today.

On the other hand, there is also black magic.

Black magic is a supernatural technique that attempts to borrow the power of evil spirits (demons) that exist within nature.

While white magic is an art that explains and utilizes the power of nature, which has been studied by intellectuals, black magic has been accepted by the general public as being used to curse others and grant personal wishes such as achieving success and finding love.

Also, since black magic is said to use the power of the Devil, various rituals and spells are required to summon it. A typical representation is "the Black Mass". At the Black Mass, animal and human sacrifices are offered, and all kinds of blasphemous acts are performed until the Devil is pleased and descends to the ritual site.

That is to say, it's the opposite of a normal mass, the act of praising God.

In the Middle Ages, such demonic practices were suppressed. One of the most famous ways was through a "witch trial".

Those thought to be witches are tied up and thrown into a river to determine if they are witches or not.

If they weren't a witch, they would sink to the bottom, and end up dying, but if they were a witch, they would shake off the rope and come back to the surface, then they would be burned to death.

Either way, death awaits. Witch trials were carried out in other ways, but no matter what, those believed to be witches were subjected to cruel treatments and destines to be put to death.

For those in the Middle Ages, all magical powers other than God were evil and demonic. It is said that many of the women put to death as witches were folk healers who were well acquainted with ancient customs such as herbal medicine and charms.

As the sciences unraveled the workings and sources of many hidden forces, black magic became more diabolical than wondrous.

To this day, there are many Satanists following demonic doctrines. They may be performing rituals to summon demons somewhere even now.

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