Friday, August 5, 2022

039 - Disappearing Hitchhiker


【消えるヒッチハイカー、kieru hicchihaikaa】

A man was driving along when he picked up a young female hitchhiker. The man decided to let the woman ride in the back seat and kindly took her to her destination.

When he arrived at the destination, a house, the man looked back to the back seat. But, the woman who was supposed to be there had vanished without a trace.

Maybe she had already gotten out of the car and entered the house?

So he thought, but when he pressed the doorbell and explained the situation to the man inside the house, the man gave back a sad look.

--That woman was his daughter who died over a decade ago.

This story is an urban legend told in the United States, as evidenced by the hitchhiking of a woman. However, similar stories are told worldwide, including in Japan, where it involves a taxi instead of hitchhiking.

It also appears that the origin of this story is quite old and can be traced back to the days when horse-drawn carriages were the primary means of transportation.

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