Monday, January 30, 2023

Episode 2 - Oni - Part 2

Don't forget to read the first part if you haven't!

In the last (or rather, first) part, we are instructed to look into a kidnapping case under another department's jurisdiction, and despite the commanding officer's refusal, we obtain the necessary information to truly begin our investigation. The man who gave it to us may be a little dubious, but without him, we'd have no chance to get our most important opportunity: a meeting with the victim's mother. Now, let's see how this meeting goes, shall we?

Superintendent Innami and most of the people in the Special Crimes Investigative Unit had temporarily moved back to the investigation headquarters set up at the local police station. According to Doumyouji, they were having an investigative meeting.
Only a few investigators and police officers from the local police station remained to operate the telephone call recorder and other equipment.

Since the investigators were on standby in the living room, where the phone was located, we decided to talk in Yuusuke-kun's room on the second floor. [The books in the background are study books, with titles like "Prominent Figures of Japan" and "Natural Sciences"]
The room was so neat and tidy that it was hard to believe it was the room of a second grader. He must have been a well-behaved child. On top of a brand-new study desk, new illustrated encyclopedias were lined up.
No school bag though. However, since he was kidnapped on his way home from school, it must still be with Yuusuke-kun.

Soon after, the mother, Yukari, arrived from the first floor. According to the information Doumyouji had given me beforehand, she was in her mid-thirties. She has a kind face with a hint of melancholy.
I immediately began to interview her. "Excuse me for calling you here. I wanted to ask you a few questions."
Ms. Yukari gave a slight nod.
"Please understand that I may reiterate the questions already asked by the investigators. Firstly... Do you have an idea as to why Yuusuke-kun was abducted?"
It was a formal albeit rude question, but Ms. Yukari did not seem offended as she answered.

"Personally, I don't believe we've incurred anyone's enmity. If I were to imagine why, I'd say their aim was setting a ransom, don't you think so? The {restaurant} I manage is doing reasonably well after all."
She's a shrewd talker. I don't see a mother who had her beloved child snatched away.
"You received only one call from the perpetrator, and there was no ransom demand, correct?"
"Yes, they only said that they had taken my child..."
Right then, Doumyouji cut into our conversation. "Truthfully, we have that conversation with us."
"Really!?" If true, that would be some pretty valuable information.
"This madam's pretty good. She recorded the culprit's call for us. I'll let you hear it later."
"Um...!" Staring in Doumyouji's direction, Ms. Yukari raised her voice.
"Would you kindly stop calling me madam? I'm not married."
"Is that so? I'm being rude, aren't I..."
Doumyouji hurriedly bowed his head. However, his attitude seemed to be making fun of her. He left the room, saying that he would go get the recording tape.
I collected myself and continued my questioning. "Pardon me, but... are you an unmarried mother?"

"No, I'm not. I {divorced} four years ago... no, two years ago to be exact."
"What do you mean by "to be exact"...?"
"It means that our separation began four years ago." Ms. Yukari asserted, a little annoyed.
"Do you know where that man lives now?" Mr. Kogure enquired, perhaps because it caught his eye.
"No, I don't know. Nor do I want to know."  Yukari's kind face became strained. She didn't seem to want to remember it very much. Possibly because it wasn't an amicable parting.
"Then, do you have any other family members?" If we're going the grudge route, we need to know about the other family members. I don't like to dwell on this, but it's part of the job.

"It's only Yuusuku and me now. There was a {fire} in my parent's house in Iriya two years ago. That's when I lost them..."
"I didn't know... I'm sorry to have reminded you of something so saddening." I meekly apologized.

Let's change this line of questioning---
                  >Ask about Ms. Yukari's alibi.
   >Ask about Yuusuke-kun.
We don't have much to go off about the victim himself, maybe this could give some good info.
   >Ask about Yuusuke-kun.
I decided to ask about the victim.
"What kind of child is Yuusuke-kun?"
"...He's a very good boy. I can't say this enough. He studies well and always listens to what I say..."
"Do you mean that he's your pride?"
After a brief pause, Ms. Yukari answered. "Yes, I do. I'm proud of him."
[Doumyouji suddenly comes back]
"Sir. This is the culprit's phone call. It's ready to be played, do you want to hear it?"
"Yes, please."

Doumyouji began operating the equipment that would play the recorded tape. After a few moments, the sound came on. Mr. Kogure, sitting next to me, swallowed hard enough that even I could hear it.

"...What did you say?" It was Yukari's voice. She must have sensed that this was no ordinary phone call and recorded it from here.
<<Your child... has been taken.>> A deep, serious, muffled female voice reverberates...
"...Who are you?"

<<{Pomegranate seeds}... Come alone.>>
---The call ends here. "This is it in its entirety. Do you want to hear it again?"
Before I could answer, Mr. Kogure waved his hand. "No, no need! That's enough!"
The voice on the phone was so eerie that his fear was understandable.
Yukari must have been quite horrified when she heard this directly over the phone. But, why do this...? I feel a strange sense of unease.
"Is this the entire exchange you had over the phone?"
"That's right. Once I heard her say that she had taken my child, I instantly pressed the recording button. No part of the conversation was missed."
"All things considered, I'm surprised you had the idea to record it." Mr. Kogure sounded impressed. But Ms. Yukari's expression darkened at his words.

"Before, my husband was unfaithful... I recorded his lover's phone calls several times. So..."
"Ah, no, excuse my rudeness!" Mr. Kogure's large body curled up in shame.
"Do you recognize the caller's voice?" I asked just in case.
"By no means... This sickening voice... I've never heard it before."
"In that case, does the term 'pomegranate seeds' mentioned in the call mean anything to you?"
"...I really don't. I'm troubled because... I don't remember being asked to come."

Pomegranate seeds, eh? Since she said <<come>>, it might be a location signifier.

"Is it some kind of {code}?" Mr. Kogure tilts his thick neck to the side in confusion. However, Doumyouji immediately refuted that question.
"I don't see the point of making it a code. Why make it a code when mom here can't understand it?" He definitely has a point.
Could Ms. Yukari be hiding the fact she actually knows what "pomegranate seeds" means? That thought popped up for a second before I denied it. Because that's unnecessary.
The more information we have, the better, if we are to get her child back. I can't think of any reason to keep something hidden under the circumstances.
Pomegranate seeds... What on earth is the meaning behind it?
Doumyouji looked at the clock and shouted loudly. "Not good! Sir! Superintendent Innami and the others will be back soon! Let's continue this talk another time!"
It wouldn't be good to have Superintendent Innami staring at us right now. He's a very territorial person, and the more we compete with him, the more he will overreact. We decided to leave quietly.
"We will get Yuusuke-kun back safe and sound." As I left, I made a promise to Ms. Yukari to reassure her. Of course, that wasn't meant as mere consolation, but my true intentions.
She bowed her head deeply at my words. I had to save Yuusuke-kun no matter what it takes. I felt the flame of purpose burning within me.

We first suspected Yukari Saitou's ex-husband. However, as one would expect, Superintendent Innami had investigated him first, so Doumyouji told us the results.
"Yeah, the husband? Passed away. Guess he paid for his infidelity, huh?"
"They also tentatively looked into his cause of death. Complete death by illness. There are no suspicions of murder. They think he's separate from this incident."

Next, we decided to interview the {neighbors}. Doumyouji told us that the investigators had already questioned them and there shouldn't be a problem in asking them about the case.

The house next door was somewhat smaller than Saitou's house. The nameplate shows only one woman's name, {Satoko Anzai}. She might be living alone.
[Ding dong]
When I pressed the doorbell, a woman's voice answered.
"I'm in the garden, in the backyard! I can't free my hands for now, so go around to the garden!" We walked out through the narrow gap between the house and the fence and into the backyard.

"Oh...!" Mr. Kogure exclaims in admiration as soon as he sees the garden.
A small but well-maintained garden fills the yard. The trees and shrubs were neatly trimmed. A path made of white paving stones cut geometrically through the vivid lawn.
"Who are you guys...?"

A woman of large build holding a spade in her hand asked us as she removed her working gloves stained with dirt.
On her arm, she wears a bright red jeweled bracelet. Her make-up is quite heavy, and her overall appearance gives a gaudy feeling.
She's probably in her late 40's. Her mouth keeps doing a smacking motion, maybe because she's chewing gum, as she looks at us with a suspicious expression on her face.
I took out my police ID and opened it. "Ms. Satoko Anzai... correct? My name is Kazami. I'm with the police. I'd like to ask you a few questions..."
"What? Is it about the neighbor again? Someone else came over not too long ago. He asked way too many prying questions! And he tried to smoke in front of me without asking! Does the police not know about non-smokers' rights!?"
Satoko Anzai spits out her frustation. "Sigh... We're very sorry about that."
She pulled a piece of silver paper out of her pocket and spit the chewed gum into it, looking bored.
Then, after putting that same paper back in her pocket, she took out a new piece of gum and tossed it again in her mouth.
"Want one?" Anzai, with a pouty face, offers me a piece of gum. Did I look hungry?
"Gum... Do you like it?"
"Hm? Yeah... I get somewhat lonely these days if I don't move my mouth. It's like I'm kinda addicted."
"By the way, your garden is magnificent. Do you take care of everything?" I guess she didn't feel too bad about being praised for her garden. Anzai smiled a little bit... I think so at least.
"Oh, yeah... Also, it's called an English garden."
"Is that so...? You must have worked hard by yourself."

"I'm in a {gardening club}. There's not much greenery in this city. Despite my appearance, I'm something of a countrywoman."
"Aah..." I didn't know how to reply.
"Detective, are you from the countryside?"
"M-me? I was born and raised in Tokyo."
"S-so was I!" Mr. Kogure also replied after a fashion.
"I see. If that's the case, you probably don't know, eh? I originally was raised deep in the mountains of Kanagawa. That's before I can remember, though."
"...So? What do you want to ask me?" Somehow, she seemed to become interested in talking with me. I went right to the point.
"What kind of household is that of your neighbors, the Saitous? Please tell us as much as you know."
Satoko Anzai paused for a moment before answering. "Oh...? Although it's a single-mother household, the mother's doing pretty well I think. She raised her child all by herself."
"What's their reputation with the other neighbors?"
"Not bad. I haven't heard any bad rumors."
"Regarding her job, do you know what it's like?"
"Well, I heard that she rebuilt the restaurant her husband left behind and it's thriving now. Ms. Yukari told me that her son didn't have to go through any hardships. I'm very envious."
That last comment hides an implicit meaning she herself might not have noticed...
"What do you think about Yuusuke-kun?" Mr. Kogure asks.
"He's a good kid. He seems to get good grades and is very polite. I can't believe he's a second grader, he's so well-behaved. I miss his calls for his "auntie, auntie", you know?"
"I wonder if my son would be like this if he were alive, ah..." Satoko Anzai shut her mouth as she slightly hung her head.

"...Excuse us, but what happened to your child?"
"Died from illness. My husband's dead too, I live all alone. Only {debts} remain. But, well, there's no use grumbling."
"That's why I don't feel like this is someone else's problem. Hurry up and return Yuusuke-kun to his mother."
"Yes, we will do our best." We thanked her and left the Anzai house.

Next, we came to a small park in a residential area to meet the boy who claimed to have seen an oni.
According to Doumyouji, the witness, a boy named Ryou Kobayashi, lived near the park where Yuusuke-kun was last seen. The location was far from Yuusuke-kun's house.
Mr. Kogure restlessly surveys the surroundings. "I think they're canvassing the area... Are there any investigators at the witness's house?"
"There aren't any, right?"
"Why do you say that?" Mr. Kogure asks me with great interest.
"Superintendent Innami dismissed Doumyouji's report about the oni as the ramblings of a child. I don't believe any further investigation would be conducted."
"I see... It seems you're right."

A short time later, we arrived at the house of the witness, a boy named Ryou Kobayashi-kun. After confirming that the nameplate on the gatepost read "Kobayashi", we pressed the doorbell---
[Ding dong]
Ryou Kobayashi-kun was at home. He had been in a state of shock since he saw the oni, and had been absent from school.
Ryou-kun's mother was relieved that we had arrived and took us to see him right away.
She wanted us to find out the truth about the oni as soon as possible so that she could reassure her son that he had been mistaken.

Ryou-kun is a second grader. He looks to be a lively boy. However, he was now severely emaciated and pale-faced.
"Ryou-kun, would you talk to Mr. Detective?" I said in as gentle a tone as possible.
"But, I..."
Ryou-kun looked as if he was about to cry. "So Mr. Detective can catch the scary person. Alright?"
"I... don't remember a lot."
"Well, how about you just tell me what you can remember?"
After a long period of hesitation, Ryou-kun gave a small nod and began to talk.
"I was in the park near my house... and I saw it. I was looking for my ball... in the bushes."

"Then... I saw a woman take a boy away..."
"Can you tell me more about her? What was she like? Was she tall?"
"I don't remember... I passed out..."
"Did you see the woman's face?"
Ryou-kun nodded silently. "She had really scary eyes... They glowed bright red..."
"Her eyes...?"
"Um-hum... But, I don't remember anything more."
"You're sure that what you saw was an oni, right?" He nodded his head in reply to my question with a meek look on his face. Ryou-kun was clearly trembling. He seemed to be really afraid of onis.
As Doumyouji said, it doesn't sound like he's lying.
"Anything else you can remember? Anything at all?"
When I asked him about it, he shook his head and hid behind his mother, who was watching from a little distance away. This wasn't a fitting behavior for such a lively-looking boy.
This may be as far as we get today. After a little more time, he may be willing to talk further.
We left the Kobayashi house promising Ryou-kun once again that we would "definitely catch the scary person".
"Thoughts, Mr. Kogure?" I asked as we headed for the nearby park, the scene of the testimony.
"It's completely unbelievable. There is no such thing as an... oni!"
The obvious answer came back. Normally, it would be unthinkable. It's more realistic to consider that we misjudged something than to think that onis were real.
However, Ryou-kun mistaking someone for an oni... I don't know about that. I mean, what could he have seen that could be mistaken for an oni...?

We returned to the park where the oni had been witnessed. School must have already ended. There were quite a few children in the park.
They were probably around the upper grades of elementary school I think? A boy with a baseball bat and a group of girls with school bags still on their backs were gathered around a bench, whispering to each other about something.
"Mr. Kogure, maybe we should ask those children if they know something about the oni?"
However, how are we going to do it? With that Juvenile Act, and this matter being what it is, talking with them will be extremely difficult...
Mr. Kogure, however, paid no attention to my hesitation and said, "Yes, sir! Let's get to interviewing them!", then approached the children with great gusto.
"Yo, yo, you guys! Can I have a little word with you!?"
The children pointed at Mr. Kogure and screamed in unison. Some of them even started crying.

"Uwah! A scary {huge old man}'s here!"
"A huge old man!"
"W-what's with calling me a huge old man! That's rude, you guys! I'm only 27 years old! I'm not an old man!" Mr. Kogure was denying and getting worked up over the children's comments.
"You're lying! There's no way you're that young, we gotta hide! He's a kidnapping pervert!"
"T-that's ridiculous! I'm a police officer!" Mr. Kogure opens his police ID and shows it to the children.
Then, the rowdy children's faces suddenly lit up with curiosity, saying in delight, "Woah! Is that real!?" and "I wanna see!"
At this rate, the commotion would only grow louder. I called out to the children when the time was right.
"Hey, you guys. What's with this huge old man you were talking about? Is there some kind of weirdo out here?" The boy carrying the bat replied cheerfully, "That's wrong!"
"I heard there's been a lot of bad guys kidnapping people lately... All adults are suspicious, you know?"
"Oh, there's a bad guy who kidnaps people here?"

"That's right. And it's not just a mysterious huge old man, even an oni has appeared!"
"Oni... You've seen an oni?"
"I-I've seen nothing like that, a friend of a friend told me he saw one though." Things started to not look very good.
"D-don't lie! It's real!" The other kids started talking too.
"It's got shining eyes!"
"It's got teeth like a lion!!"
"It's got crazy long nails!"
"Eh? That's wrong! It's got a big sickle!"
This has gotten out of hand. "Okay, okay, calm down. Has anybody here actually seen this oni?"
The kids suddenly fell silent. Apparently, none of them have actually seen the oni.
I did not try to hide my disappointment, then the boy with the baseball bat opened his mouth with an embarrassed look on his face.
"B-but, I heard a friend of my friend saw it. So, I'm sure it's real."
"You've never met this friend of a friend, haven't you?"
"What's wrong? You haven't met him?"
"......" The boy with the bat, at last, fell silent.
"It's impossible to even try to meet the F.O.A.F." A voice suddenly called out to me from behind. The voice was that of a girl who still sounded a little immature.

I turned around and saw a girl with a short haircut standing there. She didn't have much makeup on, but she was quite pretty. I'd guess she's about the age of a college student.
She's dressed in easy-to-move slacks and holds a microcassette recorder in her hand.
The girl blurted out into the recorder, "I encountered the 'mysterious huge old man'. His true identity is a police officer. Confirming the occurrence of a new urban legend."
"Who are you!?" Mr. Kogure grilled her in a tone meant to frighten her. However, the girl took out a business card and held it out to me without showing any signs of flinching.

"There are only a few business cards left, so I'll give only one for you two, alright?" She somewhat forcefully handed me a business card with the name {Yuuka Mamiya} written on it. Her title is...

"Occult Journalist?" Mr. Kogure alternately throws suspicious glares at the business card and her face.
"Yes. Journalist. I play a part in the media."
She struck her chest with a smack and added in a tiny little voice, "Well... I'm still only an apprentice journalist though."

"Hmph. What does such a shady journalist want with us? You're hindering our investigation. Go home."
Mr. Kogure, with his large body towering over Yuka, drew closer to her.
"Threatening me won't work. I won't give in to such things!"
"...Knh! Listen here, young girl...!"
A near-bursting vein popped up in Mr. Kogure's brow.
"Now, now, Mr. Kogure, please calm down." Mr. Kogure looked as if he was about to turn into a statue of a Deva king, so while I pacified him, I tried inquiring with Ms. Yuuka.
"By the way, you were saying something about F.O.A.F.?"
"F.O.A.F. stands for 'friend of a friend'... Just like how that boy said."
"They always appear when rumors propagate widely---It's like a rumormongering apparatus."
"Rumormongering apparatus?" I was curious and nudged her to explain.
"Yeah. Unrealistic gossip usually begins with the preface, 'I heard this from a friend of a friend...' That is to say, that person does not exist."

"So it's something said without thinking?"
"Well, that's not quite right. Let's say, for example, that the boy there saw the "mysterious huge old man", right?"
"I am not an old man!"
"It's just an example. So, let's say I heard that story from the boy. And then I tell the story to... you, um..."
"It's Kazami. Junya Kazami."
"Mr. Kazami, hm? Let's say I were to tell it to Mr. Kazami."
"I would tell him, 'my friend actually saw it'. Then, Mr. Kazami would, uh, what's that huge old man's name?"
"I'm Kogure, and I'm not an old man!" For Mr. Kogure, it seems that this is a non-negotiable point. He's turning red as he corrects her.
"Roger. Mr. Kazami would then propagate it to Mr. Kogure. At that time, Mr. Kazami would likely preface it with, 'A friend of a friend saw it for real'. Because it makes it more believable."
"And here's the thing!" Ms. Yuuka holds up her index finger.
"Next time, when Mr. Kogure tells someone else the rumor, how would he preface it?"
"That's... I heard it from a friend of a friend... of another friend..."
"Yes, that's the correct answer. However, it would be bothersome to say that repeatedly."
"Even more so when the rumor spreads further. Before you know it, it's shortened to 'a friend of a friend'. That's good enough, and it doesn't make much difference in terms of credibility."
"I see... That makes sense." Both Mr. Kogure and I nodded our heads in agreement.
"At this point, a rumor-mongering apparatus, a fictional 'friend of a friend', is created. A mysterious figure created to give credibility to the rumors---That is the friend of a friend, the F.O.A.F."
"So that's why you told me that trying to meet with the F.O.A.F. would be impossible."
"That's right. The boy's not lying. That's just how rumors are."
"Hmm, you really know your stuff, don't you?" I was impressed, and she laughed shyly.
"I guess? ...Well, this is what I got from my teacher."
"By teacher, you mean a college professor?"

"Yes, Sumino University's {Professor Kirisaki}. I'm a student there."
"Mr. Kirisaki!?" Mr. Kogure's eyes suddenly widened. Even Yuuka, who seemed to have a lot of guts, flinched a little at his sheer intensity.
"W-what? Why are you so surprised..."
"Silence! Lady who intrudes here, who do you this man is!?" Mr. Kogure began to act histrionically.
"...Mitsukuni Mito or something?" [The man who compiled one of the first books on Japanese history] Ms. Yuuka replied with a serious face.
"Wrong! He's Mr. Kirisaki's younger brother!"
"...Eh!? No way! You're lying! Really!?"

Before I could say, "I'm surprised to meet one of my brother's {pupils}", Ms. Yuuka took my hand and shook it wildly. It took me a few moments to realize that it meant to be a handshake.
"Nice to meet you! Mr. Kazami! I wish to cooperate in your investigation!"
Mr. Kogure, shocked by her words, interrupts. "What are you talking about, you? Thinking that ordinary citizens can get involved in police investigations..."
However, Yuka continued, seemingly oblivious to Mr. Kogure's words. "Mr. Kirisaki asked me to assist you! When his brother gets in trouble, he spares no expense to help you out!"
My brother, asking this girl? Sounds quite contrived...
"Do my eyes tell you I'm lying?"
She looked at me with sparkling eyes. It was clearly a glint of curiosity.
"You can't believe this!" Mr. Kogure yelled. But she was not to be outdone.
"I'm telling the truth! Look, I have a power of attorney right here!"
She pulled out a folded piece of paper from her pocket. It read...

"If my brother's ever in trouble, do something about it -Suimei Kirisaki", he even politely signed.
"It certainly looks like my brother's handwriting, but..." The letters were so messy. It was as if he wrote it begrudgingly...
Ms. Yuuka brazenly and triumphantly showed off her power of attorney, as if she left the courthouse with a piece of paper reading "VICTORY!" (Seriously, who is she?).
"...That's why! I'll assist in your investigation!" Ms. Yuuka saluted energetically.
She was about to join the group, but I stopped her in a hurry. "W-wait a minute. Why would my brother give you a power of attorney? Did he tell you about the work we do?"
Needless to say, police officers are obligated to maintain confidentiality. The same is true even for advisors like my brother when they are involved in an investigation. It's unthinkable that he would divulge information about an investigation. That could only mean...
"It's because I'm capable, you see. Professor Kirisaki trusted me enough to confide in me." That's an absolute lie. I'm sure she looked through my brother's files without permission.
However, there is certainly something I would like to ask my brother. If she knows as much as he does, I would certainly like to have her help.
And with a power of attorney in my brother's handwriting, there's no reason to doubt her background.
"Alright. We could use a little help right now, so... would you be willing to help us with our investigation?"
"Sir!? Are you sure you're okay with this little girl!?" Mr. Kogure raises his voice in disapproval.
"Mr. Kogure. This girl might know something about onis. If she really is my brother's student, she should have such knowledge."
Mr. Kogure had no choice but to accept my explanation. "Yes, sir. If that's what you say..."
"By the way! Hey, I heard something just now, could it be that a real oni appeared?" Yuka immediately asked, curious.
"Well, I can't say for sure yet, but... Ms. Yuuka, do you know anything about onis?"
"Onis, hm? Of course I know." Ms. Yuuka answered confidently.
"But can you give me one day? I don't want to give you half-baked information if we're going to do this."
"Eh!? Well, that's certainly..." I said.
"Well, see you tomorrow!"
Ms. Yuuka winked at me and left before I could stop her...
"She's gone..." Mr. Kogure and I stood there for a while, stunned as if we had just encountered a typhoon.
Let's leave it to her to find out about the demons. What else can we do now...
"Sir, how about trying to get more information from Ryou Kobayashi-kun?"

"He's the {eyewitness} who saw the oni. If we can get more information out of him, wouldn't that help us in our investigation?"
"That's true, but..."
How in the world do we do that? How could we possibly get any information out of that frightened boy?

I know. Let's talk to Ms. {Hitomi}. Maybe she can tell us how to get information out of him through medicine or psychology or something. At this hour, she should still be at the university hospital.
"Mr. Kogure, let's go to Ms. Hitomi's workplace." I saw that Mr. Kogure hadn't waited for my reply and was hurriedly going to his car. His expression had gotten softer, or was that just my imagination?
"Ms. Hitomi, I hope she's not in the middle of an autopsy..."

Let's end here, we've learned quite a bit about the background of this case, but there's still more to find, however, I'll have to leave that for next time. But before that, I want to say I'm enjoying this episode a lot. Doing some actual police work grounds this story before it goes off the rails later, and the comedy makes it even better. I can't wait to see how the supernatural will subvert this investigation.

Anyway, see you next time!

136 - Said Without Thinking

[It's written in Kanji as "出任せ", explanations below]

In Japanese, the word "demakase" is formed from two verbs, 'to leave' and 'to let happen'. It refers to when someone lets words leave their mouth without much thought, i.e., when they speak carelessly.

Incidentally, "dema" is an abbreviation of the German word "demagogie (demagogue)", meaning "abetment" or "political incitement", and refers to baseless gossip, which is different from speaking without thinking.

118 - Investigation Headquarters


A temporary department established to facilitate investigations of major crimes in an organized manner. Set up at the police station with jurisdiction over the area where the crime took place, it is usually located in a conference room at the police station.

When a case arises in the Tokyo Metropolis, officers from the competent police department are naturally dispatched to the scene, however, detectives from the MPD are also deployed to take command of the procedures, thus, both parties cooperate in the criminal investigation. During this time, the MPD detectives have the headquarters assigned as their workplace, thus, they personally commute to the investigation headquarters.

Investigations are conducted by pairs of detectives, one from the competent police station and one from the Metropolitan Police Department. The detective from the MPD directs the investigation, and the detective from the police department with jurisdiction, who is knowledgeable about the local geography and circumstances, supports them.

28 - Mysterious Huge Old Man

【怪人・デカおじさん、kaijin deka-ojisan】
["Kaijin" refers to a person of unknown character, if you're familiar with Japanese urban legends, you might recognize it from "Kaijin Answer", it's used as a title here, but "Mystery Man, Huge Old Man" doesn't sound good. "Deka" means huge and "Ojisan" is a formal way to refer to middle-aged men or uncles.]

With his huge stature and frightening appearance, it is said that he appears on the streets to chastise children for their bad behavior...or maybe not. The truth is, this name was given by children to Police Sergeant Souichirou Kogure (27), who works in the Police History Archival Office of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

One account describes him as a fan of idols.

21 - Occult


Originally derived from the Latin word "occultus", it was an adjective meaning "hidden" or "concealed". The word was then transformed into a scientifically-unexplainable "hidden power" or "mysterious force". Today, the word is mainly used to describe psychic phenomena and supernatural matters.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Episode 2 - Oni - Part 1

We've got a new chapter on our hands! In order to understand my translation decisions in this chapter, I'll need to explain something first, that being what an oni exactly is. Onis are typically translated as either ogres or demons, but neither suits them fully. Onis can be as brutish in action and appearance as ogres but are also tied directly to Hell in many stories, once you also add their unique characteristics, such as their penchant for alcohol and sometimes even protective status, it creates quite a different picture. That's why I'll keep oni untranslated, but do remember that onis are typically considered to be ogres, as that's the most common characterization of one in Japan as well. Also, I'll rewrite the preview here, for the sake of those who didn't read the previous post. Now, let's begin, shall we?

[In handwritten Kanji]
The insect-loving daughter does not appear to Man so much as a woman or as a demon.

I saw it. Hidden in the park's bushes...
A boy was playing alone. She came there, that woman...
"Let's go." The woman held out her hand to the boy.

"Let's go, together." The boy joined hands with the woman...

No, no, no. You can't go.

At that moment, I ended up seeing it... That person's eyes...

Those eyes... Scarlet red... just like blood...


Metropolitan Police Department Unofficial Case Record A-11

Hospitals at dusk are so calm they bring me ear pain...

I stared at my leg. The white cast, which had only just been set, was already scribbled on everywhere.
At first, I believed it was just an ordinary kidnapping, but... I think back to the case that put me in this position.
Hardly a good memory, but an experience I will never forget.
I only had been working in the Police History Archival Office for a little more than 10 days.
My first case ended up with me being hospitalized with a broken leg.
Still, in that situation, I would say it's fortunate that I only suffered a broken bone. If it had been any worse, I might have lost my life.
Once discharged from the hospital, I'll be busy with reports and write-ups regarding this incident.
Before reaching that point, this might be a good time to clear my head.
In the past few days, I've been exposed to many things. Envy, jealousy, hatred, and various other negative emotions that human beings possess. I've learned that the smallest misalignment can pull people into darkness.
And, a little bit of hope... I was saddled with all of them, but my hand was not big enough.
When I close my eyes in this way, I can recall it vividly. What I saw that night...
That... that was, definitely...
[Fade to black]

The day after I was assigned to the Police History Archival Office. Mr. {Kogure} and I were stunned to find ourselves at our desks.
The chief of the Archival Office, Inspector {Ranko Indou}, is giving all her attention to the live horse race broadcast today. Does she even care to do her job?
"Sir, is this department really part of the police force? The Inspector doesn't seem to be doing her job at all, what is even going on?"
The diligent Mr. Kogure couldn't endure anymore and enquired with me.
"Indeed... Let's try asking the Inspector."
I walked up to the inspector, who was glued to the TV.

"Inspector, if possible, could you tell me what this department does...?"
After asking her, Inspector Indou glared at me as if to say, "What a tactless guy". It seems she's annoyed that I interrupted her horse race.
However, I won't be discouraged. First of all, I've done nothing wrong.
"Inspector, what are we supposed to do?"
I was assigned to this position, but I just can't seem to find anything to do.
I thought that the job of the Police History Archival Office would be to compile the history of the police, but the Inspector's demeanor suggests otherwise.

The shelves in the Office were filled with hundreds of files. However, the contents of these files were all incomprehensible and strange.
Even a cursory glance at the stories reveals only dubious things, such as "Turbo Granny", "Headless Rider", "Man-faced Dog", and other sightings that are at the level of children's gossip.
Although we had just recently experienced the mystery of the "Mr. Kokkuri Incident", we still weren't ready to accept everything that was here.
I've been asking the Inspector about what our job entails over and over since yesterday, but...

"...C'mon, no need to fret. For now, you need to feel at home." So she says, managing to deflect my question altogether.
Mr. Kogure and I were wasting time without finding what we should do.

I decided to---
        >Try and pester the Inspector
                >Make myself at home as she told me.
I'm sure everyone here wants to know what this place's about.
   >Try and pester the Inspector
I decided to try to pester the Inspector.
"Inspector, what does the Police History Archival Office do?" I repeated the question I had asked so many times.

"You're persistent, hm? You wanna know that?"
"It's too soon."
"...Or not."
The Inspector looked at the Archival Office's door for a while and scratched her head before opening her mouth.
"Y'all've seen the files on the shelves, haven't you?"
"...What about them?" Mr. Kogure asked back with a suspecting stare.
"Don't you think those police reports are strange?"
Certainly, I wouldn't call them reports. They're just a collection of rumors. And rather silly ones at that.
"There're things in this world that cannot be explained by common sense. Well, you may not understand this yet, though. This department specializes in managing such cases. Of course, this is top secret, got it?"
"Things that cannot be explained by common sense... you say?" Mr. Kogure's expression changes like a litmus paper.
"That's not all. This is also the department that investigates such troublesome cases. But, y'see, it doesn't happen that often."
Is the Inspector serious? It's hard to believe that such a fake-sounding department actually exists."
If true, then we would have to constantly confront incidents that of "Mr. Kokkuri". That, at the very least, would be a living nightmare for Mr. Kogure.
"Hmm? What? You don't believe me? Well, alright. You'll find out soon enough..."
After ending her explanation, the Inspector put up her racing newspaper on her face and entered an afternoon nap.

"We're in trouble, sir..." Mr. Kogure looks at the napping Inspector and utters so at a complete loss.
"Honestly. What's wrong with this place..." I was bewildered, looking up at the slightly dirty ceiling.
[Phone rings]
As if to chastise us for spending the day doing nothing, the telephone bell on the desk began to ring.

The antique black phone makes the air tremble. "Hello, this is the Police History Archival Office."
"Lieutenant Kazami. How do you like your new workplace?"
From the receiver, the usual man's voice came through. He was the person that led us to the Archival Office, this mysterious man---
"You... who are you?"
"The same question again? Moreover, I was the one who asked a question first, wasn't I...?" The man said matter-of-factly.
It seems he's not planning on answering my questions.
"Let's cut to the chase. A child has been abducted."
"Abducted...!?" Hearing this word, Mr. Kogure turned his sharp gaze on me.
"Indeed. It's a kidnapping case. Accordingly, I want you to join the investigation."
"...Is it even possible for us to become part of this investigation?"
"You can ask for more details at the scene. Investigators are already gathering at the victim's house."
Once the man finished giving the address, he hung up the phone without waiting for my confirmation.

"...Sir, it was that man again, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. He said for us to join the investigation of a kidnapping case, but..." Is such a thing really possible?
"Did he give any other information?"
"I was told to ask at the scene for details." I doubt they would give me an honest answer even if I went to the site.
"Sir... Who could that man be?"
I was unable to answer that question. If I knew who that man was, I would have gone to him long ago with a complaint or two.
Mr. Kogure probably was aware of this. He didn't request a response from me.
"Sir, did this kidnapping case really happen?" This was another question I couldn't answer.
We can't find out the truth about the kidnapping and that man's goals just by waiting here. But what we can do now is---
I stood up and put on the suit that was hanging on the chair.
"At any rate, let's go there, Mr. Kogure. At least then we'll know if that man's words are true or not."
"Yessir! Souichirou Kogure, ready to accompany you anywhere!"
Before leaving the room, I gave a quick word to the napping inspector.
"Inspector. I'm going to go investigate a case. Is that all right?" Then, the Inspector waved her hand in a 'you're bothering me' manner. I guess that's more or less an OK sign.
"Well then, Lieutenant Kazami, leaving."
"Similarly, Sergeant Souichirou Kogure, going on the move!"
We saluted the Inspector, who was still sprawled out on the couch, and hurried toward the scene of the crime.
Just before closing the door to the Archival Office, I thought I heard the Inspector's voice, somewhat melancholic.
"...Good luck with your first job. Never lower your guard."
[Fade to black]
We used Mr. Kogure's private car to get to the crime scene.
In order to use a police car, we would need to submit a notice and have it accepted.
Thus, due to the time-consuming procedures, many people use their own cars or trains when traveling for investigations.
However, in the case of a kidnapping like this one, where we need to get to the scene as soon as possible, the usage request would need to be granted immediately.
...But, that doesn't mean we of the Archival Office won't fill in a formal investigation request.
Since we don't have the time to fill a usage request, which we knew wouldn't be accepted anyway, we chose to quietly go with Mr. Kogure's car.

Machida City, where the victim's house is located, is a suburban commuter town about an hour's drive from the Metropolitan Police Department.
"Sir, did you know there was a kidnapping case that happened in Machida?"
"No, I didn't. I guess they haven't gone public with the investigation yet."
Generally, the details of an investigation are not communicated to other departments. It's not uncommon for a member of the Metropolitan Police Department to be unaware of a case until it's announced by the media.
This is even more so regarding kidnapping cases, where public disclosure could result in the loss of human life.
For that reason alone, if this incident is indeed taking place, the man on the phone must be someone in a pretty high position.
"Sir, we're almost there." The view from the car window changed from clusters of office buildings to a lush suburban landscape.
The victim's home was located in a quiet residential area.
We parked our car in a vacant lot in the neighborhood and headed for the site.

Following the address given by the man on the phone, I arrived at a detached house, magnificent, but not to the extent of being called a mansion.
The nameplate read "Saitou". I looked around, but there was no sign of anyone who looked like an investigator.
Was that man's story a lie...?
A little nervous, I approached the front door.
"You two!" A man suddenly appeared from the shadow of a tree planted at the entrance.
"What's your business here?" The man shrugs, grabbing my arm.
The plainclothes officers were standing in a blind spot. They were hiding so that the perpetrator wouldn't know that investigators were gathering at the victim's house.
His words were true... We took out our police IDs and showed them to the plainclothes officer.
"We're police officers too. I'm Lieutenant Kazami. He is..."
"Sergeant Souichirou Kogure."
The plainclothes policeman instantly changed his attitude. He stood straight and steadfast, saluting crisply.
"Excuse my rudeness!"
"No, it's no issue. We were careless, too. ...Who, by the way, is the on-site commanding officer?"
"That would be Superintendent Innami." The plainclothes officer answers quickly, still saluting.
"Superintendent Innami... could you take me to him?" I need to meet the on-site commander at any rate.
"Yes! This way, please!" Thus, we were led into the Saitou house.

"Over there, that's {Superintendent Innami}." The plainclothes police officer pointed ahead to Inspector Innami. He's a detective from Investigative Division One, but this is the first time I've seen him face-to-face.
Investigative Division One is divided into 14 units, each of which has its own unique structure.
So it's not so surprising that I, who left Investigative Division One before a year elapsed, did not recognize his face.
Although we couldn't see it from the outside, there were many investigators inside the house. They looked at us suspiciously for our sudden appearance.
"Who are you people!?" We were bombarded by a weird, shrill, hysterical voice. Naturally, it was aimed at us.

He was a skinny man with a sharp glint in his eye. His cold expression and devious impression reminded me of a reptile. That was my first impression of Superintendent Innami.

Sitting opposite Superintendent Innami was a woman in her thirties. She was probably the victim's mother.
She seems very calm, even though her child was kidnapped...
I turned to face Superintendent Innami and saluted him. "I am Lieutenant Kazami. I have been instructed to assist the investigation in the capacity of the Police History Archival Office."
"Police History Archival Office, eh? Why don't I remember anything like that, huh!?" I knew this was coming.
"Oy, jurisdiction! Did you call these people!?" A timid-looking middle-aged man, who was wiping sweat off his face in a corner of the room, shook his head.
The detectives standing around us also replied, "We've never heard of them". Inspector Innami scowled at us.
"Well, I don't know about this Police History Archival Office, but we're the ones who've been assigned to this case. We don't need any more unnecessary voices!"
"B-but, Superintendent, sir! We've been instructed..." Mr. Kogure tried to persuade him.
"By whom!?"
"Who gave you these instructions!?"
"T-that's..." This is bad. There's no telling what will happen if we tell him we came here after hearing them from a mysterious man on the phone.
I decided to apologize and leave this place.
"Sorry. It seems we made a mistake. My apologies."
As we salute and try to escape, Inspector Innami's verbal abuse is hot on our heels.
"A mistake!? Are you making fun of me, you bastards!?"
"Kidnapping cases are delicate things, you hear me! Outsiders should leave! And don't show your faces to me ever again!"
I stopped Mr. Kogure from retorting. It was only natural for Innami to be angry. We're the ones who are at fault.
[Fade to black]
...However, what can we do now? A careless move would only put the victim in danger.
Now that we've been forced out of the scene, should we return to the Archival Office obediently...?

"What should we do now?" Mr. Kogure said in a timid voice that did not match his large frame.
"I'd like to complain to the man who directed us here, but I don't have his contact information... We may have to go back to the Archival Office and wait for further instructions..."
After I made such a negative proposal, I heard "You're Mr. Kazami, right? And that big guy must be Mr. Kogure."

The voice called me from behind. When I turned around, there stood a man with a strangely frivolous smile on his face.
Mr. Kogure steps forward as if to protect me. "Who are you!?"

"Jeez, have you already forgotten about me? I'm Doumyouji, Dou-myou-ji! We graduated from the police academy as {classmates}, remember?" The man who introduced himself as Doumyouji tapped Mr. Kogure on the shoulder as if he was an old {friend}.
"No, I don't. Show me your ID." Mr. Kogure uttered in a threatening tone.
He may not be able to handle ghost stories, but when it comes to human beings, there is no one more reliable.

The man, who introduced himself as Duomyouji, pulled out a police ID from the inside pocket of his suit and showed us its contents. The name {Akihiko Doumyouji} was written on it.
His rank is Sergeant. The photo is also his. There seems to be no doubt that he is a member of the police.
Doumyouji pointed to a nearby coffee shop as he continued to smile goofily.
"Let's have a little chat."
I was puzzled by the sudden invitation. Since he's here, he must be one of the investigators in this abduction case.
But what was he thinking inviting us, outsiders, to a coffee shop?

Whether to accept or decline Doumyouji's invitation---
       >He's a suspicious man. Ignore him.
      >I'm interested in his goals. Question him.

This man's not trustworthy, I want to see what happens if we decline him.
       >He's a suspicious man. Ignore him.
He's quite dubious. We're probably better off not associating with him.
"Mr. Kogure, let's go."
"Y-yes, sir." We walk back to the car, ignoring the man who calls himself Doumyouji.
"Whaaat. I even brought a really good story with me. What a disappointment..." Doumyouji talked to himself, deliberately loud enough for us to hear.

"If we leave this as it is with Superintendent Innami, we'll never be able to save the {kidnap} victim, {Yuusuke Saitou}."
The moment I heard the word 'kidnap', I ended up turning my head to face him without thinking, seeing the grin he had while he spoke. This guy, what is he planning...?
"There's a coffee shop nearby. Is that place alright?" Without waiting for our reply, Doumyouji started walking.
Mr. Kogure and I had no choice but to follow, as if he was pulling our strings.

"Can I order a toasted sandwich?" Doumyouji, who was looking at the menu, looked up and asked.
"Why are you asking me?"
"Can't I get a treat?"
"Look here, you! Sir is above us in terms of rank! You need to show a little more respect..." Mr. Kogure tried to stand up, but I chided him before he could.
"I don't mind. Mr. Kogure, please order something. I'll be paying."
"M-mh, is that really okay, sir? ...Well, I'll accept your kind offer and order a strawberry parfait."
"Hehe, you always eat things that don't match you..." Doumyouji laughed with a smirk.
In response, Mr. Kogure excused himself with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, saying, "Sweet things help relieve fatigue".
"...Now then, Mr. Doumyouji, who exactly are you?" It was an odd feeling to ask a police officer like myself who he was.
"I'm a detective like you, 'sir'. I'm a subordinate of that snake-faced Superintendent Innami. For now at least..."
"Besides, I'm a fan of yours, 'sir'."
"...Fan?" This is the first time in my life that I've had a man or a woman call themselves my fan.
"I heard from a source about the "Mr. Kokkuri Case" at the Hanamine High School. It led to the Metropolitan Police Department releasing the most interesting case report ever."
"I thought the people from the MPD were all hard-headed, but... I was surprised to find out how interesting some of them are. I became a fan at once after hearing about you, 'sir'."
The waitress has just brought the dishes we ordered. She looked at me and Doumyouji with a puzzled expression on her face, perhaps having overheard what he had said.
Paying no heed to his surroundings, Doumyouji happily takes a bite of his toasted sandwich, saying, "Thank you for the meal".

He may seem frivolous at first glance, but I don't think he's lying.
"Then... What's your goal, Mr. Doumyouji?" I asked straight to the point.
Doumyouji put his toasted sandwich on the plate and responded with a serious face.

"I want to cooperate. For the sake of saving Yuusuke Saitou."
"I want you to personally investigate this case. If you help me, I'll tell you everything I know about the case." Doumyouji's eyes were as grave as a sword.
His faint, thoughtless smile had disappeared by now.
Even though we've been forced off the scene, the fact remains that there is an actual kidnapping going on. We want to do something about it, but...
"What do you think, Mr. Kogure?" Mr. Kogure, due to my sudden call, stopped chomping down on his parfait, choking on it a bit.
Then, wiping the cream from his mouth, he answered.
"As we are now, we don't have any clues related to this case. If we believe in his story, then I think this is a godsend."
There was a hint of hidden meaning in his words. I guess he feels the same way as I do. Under these circumstances, it's a little too good to be true.
But the fact remains that we have no way to join the investigation. After a brief period of hesitation, I answered.
"Understood. We'll help as much as we can. ...For the sake of saving the victim."
Doumyouji claps his hands in delight. "Thank goodness! I knew you would say so. Well then, let me give you an overview of the case---"
The incident's outline passes from Doumyouji's lips. As if he had practiced it many times, his tongue moves smoothly and without hesitation.
The abductee is Yuusuke Saitou (8). A second-year elementary schooler.

He lives with {Yukari Saitou}, his {mother}.
When I visited the Saitou house earlier, I saw a woman with a strangely calm expression on her face---I guess she was Yukari Saitou.
The incident occurred three days ago. The mother became suspicious when her son did not return from school after midnight and called the police.

Later, she received a phone call from a person who claimed to be the {kidnapper}, stating that they "had taken her child". The police determined that this was an abduction case and began the investigation.
Yukari Saitou owns a restaurant and is reasonably well off, she also says nobody holds a grudge against her.

Currently, the First Investigative Division is waiting at the Saitou's house in case a {ransom} demand is made, and are also looking for Yuusuke's whereabouts on the day of the kidnapping.
Doumyouji, who had been talking up a storm, bent forward and lowered his voice. "Here's the problem, sir..."
"I was canvassing around for sightings, you see... and I heard a strange rumor near where Yuusuke-kun was last seen..."
"A strange rumor...?" Mr. Kogure and I asked at the same time in return.

"A boy that was playing nearby said that he saw... an {oni}..."
"Huh...?" Just now, what did he say?
If I'm not mistaken, I think I heard "oni"...
"An oni, I tell you, an oni." Doumyouji repeated that same word again. I wonder if he read my mind from the expression on my face.
"O-oni...?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from cracking into falsetto.
As for the oni, is he talking about the ones from the old tales, those onis? With horns, wielding an iron club, and wearing tiger-patterned trousers, those onis...?
"Although I said oni, I don't mean the ones wearing tiger shorts, understand?"
Doumyouji saw through my childish idea and beat me to the punch.
"The oni took Yuusuke-kun by the hand and whisked him away... or so he said."
"Ha-ha-ha! Look what he's saying!" Mr. Kogure laughs so loudly at the serious Doumyouji that it echoes throughout the restaurant.

"I don't blame you for not believing me, but I don't think the boy told a {lie}."
Regardless of Mr. Kogure's laughter, Doumyouji's expression remained serious.
It seems that he isn't kidding around. Mr. Kogure must have noticed this. He looked apologetic, as if ashamed of having laughed.
Even for me, there is no way I can simply say, "Yes, I see".
However, I became more than a little interested in the word "oni" that he mentioned with such a serious look on his face.
"Um... Why do you think that witness boy called it an oni? Did it have any specific characteristics?" I enquired with Doumyouji to prompt a continuation.
"Let me see. It didn't seem to have horns, but they said it had a sickle as a weapon. And its eyes were as red as blood."
"...Red eyes... huh? But that alone can't be used to declare someone an oni..."
"Yeah, I think so too. However, that boy's panic wasn't normal... No matter how many times his parents told him he probably mistook it, he kept saying, 'That was an oni!' "
"I don't think someone could become that frightened after seeing a simple human being. ...Look, they say children can see things adults can't, don't they? Just maybe..."
Mr. Kogure's face began to turn pale, so I changed the subject. "Are there any other similar testimonies out there?"
"Nope. That's the only testimony in which the suspect's face was seen. There are several testimonies describing a woman taking Yuusuke-kun away by hand... But only this witness claimed the suspect to be an oni."
"A woman? This oni was a woman?"
"As I expected of you, sir. You hit the nail on the head. That's right. That oni seemed to be a woman."

"T-there's no chance he mistook her, you say!? Personally, that's totally unbelievable...!" Mr. Kogure glares at Doumyouji.
"Of course, that's usually what one would think. I reported it to Superintendent Innami, and sure enough..."
" 'That's just some kid's lie so he can stand out! Get rid of such a stupid testimony!' That's what he yelled at me. Hahaha"
That's a natural reaction. I, too, was scolded by the Chief during the Mr. Kokkuri case.
It's not uncommon to receive a lot of false eyewitness reports. When a bounty is offered for testimony, for example, the investigative team is often swayed by unreliable eyewitness testimonies.
It's part of a detective's repertoire to find the truth in such cases, but I wish people refrained from doing so if possible.
"It's just a hunch. Call it detective's intuition." He said jokingly, but his expression was as serious as ever.

"The boy who testified... his name's {Ryou Kobayashi}-kun, he was seriously scared...of the oni, of course. I don't believe he was lying."
"Superintendent Innami is a hard-headed, inflexible fellow. All he cares about is getting ahead in life. He won't take any oni-witnessing testimony seriously."
"Makes sense. I wouldn't take it seriously too." If they had to scrutinize each and every testimony of that sort, they wouldn't be able to go on investigating.
I can understand that. But, even so...
Whether or not the culprit is an "oni", the testimony stating they were a woman is worthy of further inquiry. I wonder what Superintendent Innami thought about that?
"I wanted to go ahead with the investigation along the 'oni' line but I couldn't proceed because Superintendent Innami assigned me to another case. Still, I don't feel good about ignoring the oni testimony..."
"So, you want us to, uh... investigate the oni. Is that correct?"
"You've saved me by settling this quickly. Just as you'd expect from you, sir. In the Mr. Kokkuri case, you guys didn't ignore the hard-to-believe facts and proceeded with the investigation, and I highly value that."
"Kobayashi-kun's testimony may not be very credible. But if something were to happen to Yuusuke-kun because I ignored it, I would have nothing but regrets."
Doumyouji bowed his head with his hands on the table. "Please, sir! Could you please investigate it yourself!?"
I had thought of him as a strangely frivolous man, but it seems I was wrong in that perception. He may be flippant in some ways, but his sense of justice in wanting to help the victim is genuine.
To be honest, in this day and age, it would be crazy to believe such an outlandish story about an oni kidnapping a child. But, what if there was some truth to that testimony...?
Even I'm not ready to believe in the existence of onis at this stage. However, all legitimate channels to participate in the investigation have been closed despite my wishes.
But, what we can do now is identify who the 'demon' that was witnessed by that boy is.
Then I wouldn't have any conflicts with Superintendent Innami, at least for the time being. From the start, there was no way I could easily join the official investigation.
We were just at a loss as to how to join the investigation, for that matter, Doumyouji's offer--- Is something we have no reason to refuse.
"Mr. Kogure. Is this alright with you?"
"Eh? I-I..." Mr. Kogure looked troubled by the sudden call.
Oni--- That word's unmistakably stuck in his head.
Still, Mr. Kogure thought for a moment, then clenched his fists and declared.
"O-of course! We will definitely arrest the abominable criminal who kidnapped Yuusuke-kun!"
No matter how scared he is, Mr. Kogure is still a detective. He knows when to be afraid and when not to run away. Doumyouji was relieved to know our decision.
"Thank goodness~. I was afraid you would refuse. Of course, I'll help you as much as I can. Please call me on my cell phone if you need anything."
He wrote his cell phone number on a coaster and presented it to me.
Well then, with this, our way to have a hand in this case has been settled. That's all well and good, but here comes the problem. Is there anything we can ask from Doumyouji while he's here?

What to Ask of Doumyouji

Doumyouji said he was assigned to another case. So, he likely doesn't have any more information.

If that's the case---
        >There's nothing more I can ask.
            >No, there's still something I should ask.

I feel like we can still get some more from him.    
            >No, there's still something I should ask.

What could I ask of Doumyouji...?
        >Ask for more details about the situation. (Conclusion)
                  >An introduction to someone who knows more about the situation.

Considering the line we got before the questions, I don't think we'll get much of anything useful.    
                  >An introduction to someone who knows more about the situation.

Who could I talk to obtain more clues...?
                          >The victim's mother. (Conclusion)
   >Superintendent Innami.
There's no need to explain this choice.
                          >The victim's mother. (Conclusion)

"I'd like to try and meet with the victim's mother, however..." I attempted to request a meeting from Doumyouji.
Doumyouji groaned and said with a difficult face, "That's hard with Superintendent Innami stationed at the scene..."
Certainly, I don't think it'll be possible while that superintendent's there.
"But you can't proceed without hearing about the victim, right? ...Understood. If I find an opening where you can talk with her, I'll call you. Please wait here for the moment."
Having said that, Doumyouji stood up with a voucher in his hand.
"Ah, Mr. Doumyouji..."
"Don't worry, I'll be paying. That was what I was gonna do from the start." After paying the bill, Doumyouji walked away at a brisk pace.
"What's your impression, Mr. Kogure?"
"I thought he was a suspicious guy... but maybe he's not so bad after all."
"I guess so... To be honest, I was at a loss as to how we were going to join the investigation. He's an indispensable collaborator for us now."
But is it really enough just to wait for Doumyouji to contact me?
Mr. Kogure pecks at his strawberry parfait with a serious face.

I decide to---
       >Investigate onis.
             >Wait for Doumyouji's call.

Let's get a bigger understanding of onis, shall we?
       >Investigate onis.
It's not in my nature to just sit around and wait. Let's use this time to find out about onis.
Presently, all my knowledge of onis has been accumulated from my childhood, when I had beans thrown at me and was exterminated by Momotarou.
[This is a reference to two oni-related children's games, the first is more of a tradition, where, during the Spring festival, a person pretends to be an oni and has beans (believed to have an oni-repulsing effect due to wordplay) thrown at them, the other a play-pretend reenactment of Momotarou's folk tale, a very famous Japanese hero]
We use many sayings related to oni in our daily lives, such as "a metal club to an oni (to make something strong even stronger)" and "a tear in the oni's eyes (even the hardest of hearts can be moved to tears)", but if you think about it, you realize again that you know basically zero stories about onis.
It would be good to know at least a little about onis for any future investigations.

I decided to ask a professional in that trade to teach me.
"Sir, who are you calling?"
"My brother. I think we should know more about onis and such beforehand."
"I see. This sort of knowledge would be in Mr. Kirisaki's area of expertise, wouldn't it?"
However, only a robotic female voice came through the cell phone.
---Unable to call due to being out of range or lack of power---
How weird. I wonder what's going on? At this hour, he should be at the university...
Suspicious, I continued by contacting the university's executive office.
<<Professor Kirisaki is attending a conference in the U.S. starting today.>> I didn't hear anything about that.
<<It will take a week before he returns.>> No wonder there was no signal. I appropriately thanked the clerk and hung up the phone.
"A swing and a miss, huh..." Shamefully, we're now stuck in limbo.
[Ring ring]
About time. My cell phone rang. The display showed what I had read just a while ago, Doumyouji's number.
"Sir, could you come to the victim's house? Superintendent Innami isn't here right now. You should be able to meet the mother!"
"Alright. We're going right away!"
"Mr. Kogure! It looks like we'll be able to meet with her!" I could not contain my excitement and rushed Mr. Kogure.
"Y-yes, sir! Understood!"
Mr. Kogure lifted the parfait cup and downed it in one gulp as if he were drinking beer.
[Fade to black]

Okay, let's end here. This may not be the best place to end, but this post was already long enough. I'm wondering, though, as I've never seen an oni as shown in this story, but she seems just like something from an urban legend. I'm pretty interested in how the story will proceed. I hope you are too!

Either way, see you next time!